the balance

Aug 26, 2009 05:03

The positive things of today:

- I'm meeting up with Marta in Berlin in less than 6 hours!
- I'm going to Berlin!
- it's raining right now, and I can try out my new umbrella - Valera's last present...
- it even goes with my outfit ;)

The negative things of today:

- it's 5 o'clock in the morning, and my train leaves in 40 minutes
- I feel like getting sick somehow :/
- my bag weighs about 10 kilos (I am exaggerating, but not much) because of my Italian books
- this damnned Italian exam, which I'm sure to fail =/
- I am still not 100% sure when I get the results and probably won't manage to enroll at the uni before 3rd September
- there is no place to stay at in Berlin; Schlachtensee appears to be disgusting, all the halls of residence are already occupied, and yesterday I got a call from the landlord from one of my two apartment-chances, and this was not an apartment but just two rooms in a private house... There is only one chance now...
- I am leaving the house in 10 minutes and going to the train station again, perhaps for the 10th time in the last few days. But this time I'm going alone.

les études, berlin, la tristesse, le voyage, l'amour, la vie

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