I am drooling over Paul Newman after watching "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"... And admiring Liz Taylor.
I'd treat ugly spoiled no-neck monster children (and their Mae-like mothers) exactly like Maggie! All in all, I've got the feeling that Maggie resembled me a lot...
And I so looooved her accents ;) Especially in the direct comparison with the others (all them hopeless Americans)
Brick is uber-sexy, his anti-hero character is adorable, his behaviour is cool, his lines are ingenious (my favourite one is "Why is Uncle Brick on the floor?" - "Because I tried to kill your Aunt Maggie. But I failed. And I fell.")
Aaand, despite all the hard crisis and deep psychological problems of all of the characters, I got to say I was excited and jumped around after seeing the final scene. I wasn't even jealous of Liz Taylor although she got the chance to be kissed by Paul Newman ^^
And I refuse to believe that Brick was homosexual, despite all those numerous references.
I regret not having borrowed "Butch Cassidy" from the library today. But instead, I took another Tennessee Williams adaption - "A Streetcar Named Desire" with uber-sexy Marlon Brando as an anti-hero (and a rapist :P) in it.
Why, oh why have the ones who made screen adaptions of Tennessee Williams' plays taken the sexiest actors in Hollywood for the roles?
If I was Brick's wife and knew he would never make love to me again, I'd stick the longest and sharpest knife into my heart as well, I would ;)