Oh, I forget the order and all...Levi was #1 and it included everyone except Other Levi, Ben and Ryan...which is weird, because we totally think Ryan is hot. We made Mr. R number 10 as a joke.
freaking awesome, ryan is a sweetie I hung out with him until like three am on friday, that rocked. Levi dated my sister and now he is dating lacy from drama three. I know about all the little insides on drama 3 romances and who is dating who or going to prom with who if you would like to know, doubt that but whatever.
well lots of the drama 3 kids are going to prom together at least. Owen is actually going with a sophomore named kaija though and ken is going with our friend cara, but lacy is going with levi, raimey is going with the other levi. Alexa is going with Cam (drama two but still drama), and Jen and Megan are going in a group as are molly and maria. Yeah lots of pairs.
I don't think I know Cara...unless she's in the Crucible or something. Okay, I'm totally being nosy right now, but I notice you left yourself of that list...?
No cara isn't a drama person, she's a band person. I'm going with my best friend casey and sort of meeting up with my boyfriend since we're taking different people so I sort of going with two people.
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