Jan 19, 2006 18:43
Hello, I fixed my air bed, it no leaky no more! *HeHe* It was a normal boring day at school. Tomorrow or saturday is when my aunt and uncle comes. Tomorrow I get a whole night without my little sister to bugg me. Yay! I have a crazy story about something that happened to me this morning. Well, I was pumping up my air bed, then I hear the air seeping out of it so I followed the sound. I found two itsy bitsy slits where the air was escaping from. The top of my matress is made of suade, so I was trying to figure out what I could use to plug it up. Then I see this little tube of super glue sitting on my dresser, so I'm like hmmmmmm. I have used super glue for things like this before so I figured what the heck! Well I could not get the damn lid to twist off that tube for anything, I even tried using some needle nose plyers. Well when all else failed I thought maybe I can cut a little slit in the tub.
So I tried to get all the glue to one end of the tube and then cut a tiny slit in the bottom corner. I guess there was some built up pressure because before I knew it there was super glue shooting past my face. I paused for a moment, half shocked. then looked around to see where it had squirted and in what direction. Some had squirted across the top of my bed, which I didn't care, some had gotten on my fingers here and there, but I didn't glue any of them together so that was all good. Then I was like OH NO! What if it got in my hair?!?!?! so I slowly lifted my hand to check my hahir... and guess what? A good little clump of hair was all super gued together in a nice long stiff lock on the right side. I tried washing it out, pulling it out.. then finally I said whatever and cut it out. That's My adventure for today, Now have fun laughing your asses off at my expense!
Lata Ya'll!
Keep Laughing!