Nov 26, 2007 13:58
Your Name - Jenniah
Your Due Date 04/05/08
Your age 32
Married / Single / Dating I got married on Oct 21st of last year
Partner's Name Sean
Partner's age 30
How long have you been together 5 1/2 years
How did you meet I thought he was cute, so I wrote to him, he thought I was British (I have a bad habit of using british slang, I blame Eddie Izzard), so he wrote me back. We met in person a few weeks later and that was it.
Do you have any other children This is our first.
Any special circumstances surrounding your pregnancy We feel really blessed because I was told it would be very hard for me to conceive due to PCOS. I waited a year to see a specialist (I was dealing with wedding planning and didn’t want to think about it), and while we were waiting for various test results to come in, we started trying. Within maybe three weeks, we got pregnant. I am still blown away about this.
Was your pregnancy planned Yes
How long were you TTC In theory, about a year of talking. Actually TTC - three weeks.
Do you work? What do you do I work at a regional lifestyle magazine in production. Since it is a smaller magazine, I get to research and write sometimes as well. I can't afford anything we feature, but it sure is pretty.
What does your partner do Sean is a graphic designer by day and a music reviewer/snob by night
What is your location Lansdale, PA - about 30 minutes outside of philly.
Anything else you want to share I forgot this community was around and I am so glad to have found it. I am the only one in my group of friends that is pregnant, and am the first to experience all of this, so my girlfriends, while awesome, don’t always understand what is going on. I feel like I bore them sometimes.
Also - we found out on Wednesday that we are having a girl!