Apr 25, 2007 10:03
there are three things that are magic that i can talk about today (one is actually "magick" maybe, i believe, jesus christ):
1 - the first magic was when i figured out a way to magically make our viewer numbers for February go over 500,000. . .this was magic because i didn't have all the numbers but the numbers were out there somewhere. presto chango, i'm good at my job.
2 - the next magic, which actually happened the day before yesterday and was discussed after the next magic is the "magick" I mentioned. Recently the government has decided to allow the families of wiccan soldiers have grave markers reflecting this. yay. it's america. by all means. please do. but when i was discussing this i got off on how i called bullshit. i'm reading a book about islam right now, so i've already called bullshit on that this month, and i long ago called bullshit on protestant organized religion. and now i officially call bullshit on wicca. it's like you're already taken the steps to not acknowledge the christian god, or another mainstream religion. just be atheist already! do you need the rituals and spells? are you playing make believe? what the fuck!? it's just a little foolish if you ask me.
3 - this is the best magic of all: as i was driving home last night i saw a perfect red leather 50's style couch. it was great. so i got upstairs, told jonny and we went to check it out. it had two little spots on it, other than that it was perfect. the street couch we had was clunky and awkward and i was terrified to stick my hands in it to find the remote. this one was clean, not torn up and had seat cushions that came off. perfect. jonny went back around the corner to get his phone to call jake so we could use his truck to move it. i stayed and guarded the couch. while i was sitting there, people came out of the house it was in front of. i heard "april!?" and holy shit, it was lauren! her dad lives there. it was her couch, she's getting a new one from her mom when she gets married and they had just put it out there! so it was no longer a street couch! hooray. magic! lauren's sister's boyfriend had a flatbed and helped us move it around the corner. yay! and our old street couch was gone in 30 minutes after we put it out! yay!