holiday in the sun

Dec 28, 2008 10:44

painting #2
for a girl at work, its her kid, i gave up on trying to make the kid look real out of boredom and frustration. she loved it anyway so i dont feel bad.

speaking of work, i havent updated since that last entry. so they decided they arent going to cut our hours, and instead they are going to have us working 4 ten hour shifts per week. so i will be off sunday, monday, and tuesday, and then work forever for the other 4 days. i think i might like it. its only for 3 months anyway.
i finally got my affidavit in the mail for my tax fraud shit. now all i have to do is fill it out, get it witnessed and take it to the irs. then in 7-8 months i will finally get my tax refund. (hopefully). if they steal my refund again this year i will quite likely go to the address (which i do have!!! and no one cares!!! thanks police!!) and jab out their eyeballs.
so when i was searching for that picture to post i found a bunch of pictures of when i had bangs before. this was 4 years ago:

aw. its funny, i want to pat the 21 year old me on the head and give her a hug.
so christmas was awesome. i went to my parents house and we went to the candlelight communion service. we sat in a pew with a family of 4 tiny kids behind us, and an ancient couple who reeked of smoke in front of us. its funny to think, when you are a kid you dont give a fuck if you are being loud. when you are really old you dont give a fuck if you choke the people around you with your rank scent. its only the people in the mid range that give a fuck about anything. im sure thats a very broad generalization.
anyway then we went home and i spent the night there, and the next day we went to my aunts house who lives in columbus. their family has a bunch of babies. there is also this 6 year old girl who is my cousins daughter. i met her when she was like 3 so she didnt remember me at all. my dad was teasing her about how he was going to take her to this bridge where a troll lives and throw her under. and she raised her little eyebrow and said "NO, i will throw YOU under" and i laughed a little, then she snapped around and looked at me and said "and YOU TOO!" which is the first thing she ever said to me.
then after staying there for 14 or so hours they drove me to Lee's parents house, where we had a meeting of the parents. it lasted about 10 minutes and then my parents went home. we came home friday and unwound..yesterday went to a party where i discovered that i am not a good sideline watcher while rock band is happening. usually i am ok to be at the sideline, its a nice comfortable out of the way place. but it pains me to watch people on no fail mode on easy with the bass blinking at the bottom of the meter. i have to sit on my hands in order to restrain myself from snatching it, swinging it at their heads, and telling them to sit down and watch. gaahhh. anyway. then i came home and read until 2:45. this is long. i havent been censoring either. sorry.
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