ok i decided to go to michaels and get some oil paint and try to learn how to do that too. so here's what i have so far, i had no idea it took so freaking long.
at one point i was shaking my liquid eyeliner and the cap came off and sprayed all over the left side of it, but it turned out to be a good thing because when i started it i had no idea what it was going to be, i just decided to see if i could paint a face. so then out of the eyeliner came the trees. so i have found that i enjoy painting, and that linseed oil and turpentine have childproof caps that are almost impossible to open. so i have an idea for the next one to do gregor as a bug in the almost empty room from the metamorphosis bc lee suggested i do scenes from books. so maybe that and maybe dorian gray in a chair next to a portrait of a haggard old man. other than that im not sure but i am sure that just those two will take five years to do because its so time consuming and i have such a short attention span.
so, life. my salon is about to start renovating in january. which means they will be closing 3 days a week and opening later, which means my hours are gonna be cut in half. so i need a new job really bad. my room mate situation is finally sort of stable, with a few small issues every now and then, such as one of them deciding to post our address on couchsurfing.com and have random guys stay with us without telling me whats going on. all the while the bathroom that the other girl and i share was spewing god knows what from the drain in the shower so we and the random dude were all sharing the one girl's shower. but now he is gone and the drain is fixed and i have a promise from the girl that she will take us off the site. so im debating going to see sisters of mercy tomorrow. its $30. do i have $30 for a show? eeehhhh. i know i will regret it if i miss it. but still. its not like i've never seen them before.