Feb 20, 2007 21:42
Today was probably one of the best days I've had in quite some time. I feel like I'm becoming a new person. This new surge of self confidence has entered my body, and I don't know what to do with this person. Not to mention the day was beautiful. At least for me it was. The morning was bright and crisp. The air actually felt new and clean. Birds were everywhere, and then to end the day perfectly, on the way home lightning flashed across the sky and rain started beating down on the windshield of my car, and all I could do was laugh. I was truly happy in that moment. I don't know why this rain seemed any different than any other rain that has fallen from the sky this year. I guess this rain just came with a promise. A promise of a new start. Winter is almost over, and spring is coming. It looked, felt, and smelled like a spring rain. My winter is over. The old, depressed me who didn't care about herself is gone. Now is my spring. I'm going to be reborn from this fresh rain.. I can't wait.
<3 Ashley.