Hello and welcome! Since I've been sick for almost 2 weeks, I decided to finally gain the courage to post a legacy. I've been an avid fan of the Sims franchise for years but I always kept it to myself. Not anymore! Will I be able to last 10 generations? More importantly: Will I be able to get out of bed next week? Let's read on and find out!
Meet the *founder of our Apricot Legacy: Flora Apricot. She's a friendly, neat, nature-loving, plant-watering, lucky gal. Flora enjoys eating rabbit food, listening to indie music, and subtlety loving the color pink. She is a Capricorn with the LTW of having the Perfect Garden.
This is Flora's lovely starter shack. I am in no way a designer, nor do I know how to scatter clutter properly. It will have to do for now. Get ready for the side-splitting laughter to commence!
The kitchen of the shack-a-lack.
Plastic dining chairs and a plant. Flora is gonna be a winner.
Flora's cubby-desk area. This was basically a waste of funds but I thought it would look pretty. :3
The main entrance/living room area.
The tiny as HELL bathroom. Note the awkward angle. NOTE IT.
And last but not least--the *soon to be* baby-making room! Woop woop woop!
Moving along~
I sent Flora to the Community Garden so she could steal gather fruit to plant at home before finding a suitable WooHoo machine.
Flora's next destination? The Community Pool to chat with Tom Shallow.
Tom: Nice apples.
Flora: *swoon*
Flora: He turns me on so much that I now want to eat apples and levitate!
For reals?
Well, 1 out of 2 isn't bad.
Flora: ...wut?
Is Flora walking like a model to go to sleep or herp-derping it, Leo style?
You choose.
Flora: Must...get lifetime wish..and..have babez.
You're getting there, my love. Nurture those seedlings.
Flora: Hey Tom! I was thinking about seeds and decided to call you. Wanna come over?
Flora: *sneaky grin*
Tom: Hey baby. Want some tickets to the gun show?
Flora: Why, I would love...
Tom: Excuse me? I'm joking. I have a wife.
Thanks for wasting our time, Tom.
I sent Flora to look for some new mate material over at the gym. She decided to primp before stalking her soon-to-be-husband and chose not to answer her ringing butt.
Hal Breckenridge: ♬ To the window, ...
Hal Breckenridge: ...to the wall... ♪
Flora: How would you feel about impregnating me as your only job?
Flora: We would create such wonderful genes for our offsping. DON'T SAY NO.
Hal: *is nervous*
Hal: That's it? Chain me up baby and let's go!
Only Hal went. To the bathroom. At home. Flora decided to try and invite him over instead.
Flora: Hey Hal it is your future spouse. Wanna come over and make babies?
I guess not.
Or you could always visit him at his house even though he didn't want to see you.
Hal: She's right behind me, isn't she?
Yes. Along with your disappearing kitchen furniture.
Flora: Let's see. How would I want a man to reel me in?
Hal: Ah, the sweet smell of desperation.
Flora: Can you love me now? Please?
Oh I could kiss her. What a cutie.
Thanks to the flowers, Hal let her stay over...
...where she dreamed of starting a family and Hal dreamed about himself.
The next morning, Flora decided to lay it on thick.
Flora: *touch touch*
Flora: I cannot wait until you are mine. *swoon*
Her actions actually worked because...
They had their first kiss and made it official! D'awh.
Hal: Flora, I've had a great five hours of dating you so far. But you know I'm afraid of commitment, right? As in, we can't get married?
Flora: *chokes*
Hal: *la nom nom nom*
We're not finding another mate, Flora. Make it work. Woo him with all your might.
Hal: I hate love.
Flora: Oh, me too! I just need a donor. I...I don't need to be loved...
She may not need love, but she's certainly going to succeed one way or the other. She'll own you, bitch Hal.
Flora headed home to work on a game plan. It may or may not have included death by flies.
Hey, Flora neat!Sim:
And you're going to choke on a fly.
It only got worse when Hal came over.
Listen lady, if you can't stand the smell then you need to CLEAN IT UP.
Oh. The smell is coming from Hal.
Continue living in your filth, then.
Hal: OH MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU STILL WANT TO MARRY ME AFTER I TOLD YOU I HATED LOVE! That made me fall in love with you! *shock*
Flora: I knew he'd come around.
And just to make sure...
...quickie wedding is quick!
Listen, Flora, you just married your love interest. I don't think it is a wise idea to have the flies attack him at the end of your wedding vows.
Welcome to the family, Hal! Enjoy his slightly scary makeover. I have no idea what I did. I'll try not to do it again.
Hal is a commitment phobic (LIES), sweet talking, blankie holding, french kissing flirt. BUT WHO OWNED YOU? That's right. Flora.
Hal also enjoys Latin music, cheesesteak, and the color red. Of which he is not wearing. Suffer. His LTW is to be a Heartbreaker. However, since that would be DESTROYING Flora's heart, we're gonna re-roll once his happiness points start to pile up. He's gonna remain in the Law Enforcement career for now while helping take care of the soon to be baybeez!
Speaking of...
Whatcha guys doing?
The bells are a'ringin'!
And then you could totally hate each other. That's cool.
Did you eat something bad, my love?
Just kidding. Give me generation 2, pronto! ♡
Next time: Babies! A new house re-model thanks to Hal! More fail of every nature! And, of course, a horrendous amount of internet memes.
❀ Thanks for reading! ❀
*Flora Apricot was originally made by
katu_sims over at
pixel-trade during the
Founder Collection of June 2011. Many thanks to Katu and the other wonderful submissions over at Pixel Trade!