oppse i Tripped

Apr 18, 2005 01:19

well ... friday night casey jaimei and i tripped on acid.. we took it at 12:45 set up the room .. staringtene dit up .. put on all the trippy lights lit candles.. shut the big light.. brought some ogf angels toys in including a little pony that you can actually straddle lol ! ... at about 1:50 i started to feel really weird... i got a tummy ache and i felt liek i was gunna puke.. so i went to the bathroom and asked korin to go with me to help me hahha .. i went in there and thats when the wall started lookin all wavey and i i looked at the tiles on the ground and they were movin around i wa slike ahh its startin g! i gotta go in my room .. so yah i went in there and jaimei and casey started trippin too .. we blasted music and rode the pony and starred at the wall and watched ville from hims face morphing and stuff it was weird as fuck and we watched this girl in this thing i have on my wall dance around and move her arms and we werwe scared lookign at the crow poster bc he was starrin at us and making evil faces and rubbing his hands together .. we were liek ahh .. we wathed trails from our ciggs and insence we layed and talked for hours about the weirdest most random stuff.. jaimei picked summthin off the floor and it looked lieka little rock lookign seed .. she was liek whats this .. a seed ? and i was liek lemme see! so i grabbed it and looked at it .. then casey was liek i wanna see! so we passed it .. after examining it for a lil bit we realized it was shit ... ahhaha! a little one.. so ew. casey is beautiful and i got to look at him a different way that night.. i starred into his eyes liek no other time and we kissed and explored eachothers mouths in a new way .. it flet so weird..but amazing.. it felt so good to touch too .. omg we had a wonderful time.. i could not stop smiling and we couldnt stop laughing .. it was great

<3 Tiff
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