Aug 16, 2007 17:31
So here in Australia if you're female between the ages of oh-I-don't-know-some-number-in-the-teens and 26, it's almost 100% free to go on down to the clinic and get the new vaccine that helps prevent cervical cancer. I have a Medicare card since I'm a temporary resident (excellent medical system here) and so only had to pay about $20 for the appointment itself (and nothing for the vaccine) in order to get something jabbed into my arm that felt like a three-foot barbed piece of metal.
I tell you, it hurt like a sonofabitch. You know when you're young and you get your first shot and you think, "It's a needle! In my arm! A needle in my arm!" You're thinking that it's got to hurt, right? And yet it's only a little prick (not pleasant, but really nothing at all), and it's over. The shot I was given today (and--grumble, grumble--have to get two more times over the next eight months) felt the way you EXPECT shots to feel when you're a little kid and getting one for the first time.
I'm sort of a pain-baby, though, so I may be exaggerating slightly. It was over within a minute or two and aside from some soreness in my upper left arm, I'm fine now. And it's certainly worth it to remain cervical cancer free!