Okay, so. Huh. And also, wow. Anyone have anything more coherent to add? I'm just kind of absorbing. In a puzzled way. Which is a pretty dumb time to post, I admit, except that I simply MUST acknowledge Dean's love of bunnies as soon as humanly possible. Meaning now. Dean and BUNNIES, people. It's canon.
Well, here's what's sticking with me, aside from the bunny thing:
1. Sam splashing water on his face and then pushing his hair back. Apparently, his hair isn't just pretty, it's completely hot, too. Who knew?
2. Sam trying to turn into Dean. And having a frank, forthright conversation about it.
3. That moment when Ruby tells them to go, and they're about to be sympathetic, and she flashes the eyes and it's like--well, something.
4. Ruby. First of all, I really feel like Katie Cassidy is out of her league here. That being said, I think this new development is really interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it definitely has my attention.
5. Dean. Hellbound. Damn.