Why do you become fangirl in your current age ?

Feb 15, 2016 10:13

It has been a long time since I wrote something on my livejournal account, actually I've kept this draft for a long time. but I still hesitate to post them. but now I want to write something .. ah is nothing extraordinary, just writing about an old feeling but still bothers me.
Do you know how old I am? Yes, this year I will be 21 years old.. and I just started to be a fangirl in my 20. (Better Late than Never) XD

at that time many among friends of mine surprised even for myself because I never expected I would be a fangirl of Hey Say JUMP and Arashi.
they often ask me “Why do you become fangirl in your current age ?” I just said “I don’t know” for my reply XD doesn't that weird? Yes, maybe.
Then they asked me again with more questions, the questions are simple, but I never thought like "what makes you love Arashi and Hey Say JUMP?, Aren’t they less famous than boyband from korea?, files of them also difficult to get, right? because they are Japanese boyband, etc.
and my answer remains the same "I do not know"
why I fell in love with them? I do not know. yes they are less popular than Korean boyband in the my country but still I prefer them. Why ? I do not know, maybe because I like it * LOL *. Hard to get Files and stuffs about them, that’s make them more precious for me.
I am not a rich fangirl and understand Japanese language, which at any time could see their live concert, watch their tv shows, or support them by buying their goods. I just rely on the internet to obtain information about them and the kindness of the other fans who share their files and knowledge through social media and free fansub community. of course as a reward for them is to be a fangirl good and do not become rule breaker. I am very appreciate them and grateful. as Matsujun said "we are connected under the same sky, so know you are not alone"
and Last answer for other question “Aren’t they less famous than boyband from korea? “Yes, maybe in my country only but to me it is not important at all. they had helped and encouraged me through their quotes and songs. their feelings conveyed to me through their works. so, popularity does not matter to me as long as I liked them.”

ah, I think enough, next, I'll post my Idol quots which helped and encouraged me. sorry for my bad english. see you later, bye-bye
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