(no subject)

Jul 31, 2014 01:23

It's 1am and I'm sitting here in the midst of fevers, chills, rigors and myalgia, with my voice raspy and my throat feeling like sharp claws are scraping and tightening with each swallow. Damn you ED and intern, damn you children of Kalgoorlie that undoubtedly passed on the viral lurgy to the staff at KRH. Was meant to do a surgical talk for the juniors, but will have to beg off given I won't be able to produce sound by 3pm tomorrow. My time at Kal is soon drawing to a close... Last weekend of on call looms ahead (yet another reason to rest up tomorrow) and then I will be home!! with my darlings... And adon (ha!)... Except realistically given the plastics timetable I may or may not see sunlight until my wedding.


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