Jul 17, 2012 19:09
Annnnnd last saturday I escaped from the evil clutches of Emergency and did the Kathmandu Urban Challenge - a local take on the Amazing Race. I figured I needed some sort of exercise before Peru and the idea of little checkpoints was very appealing to the hints of OCD in my personality. Had 3 awesome phone a friends texting us the answers the whole time (hee). We were only allowed to use public transport - I hadn't realised how lazy I'd become since getting my staff parking permit o_O I barely take the bus any more and I'd forgotten how nice it was to just take a walk in the sunshine (not that I get to see sunlight any more *glares at ED*). I've taken to lying wrapped up in my doona until late afternoon on my days off, so the 0730 meet up was a shock to the system. Also, no lounging around. Ended up pole dancing, eating weird stuff (well, Adon did this one), kayaking, guessing plant species, eating gross lollies, dressing up in costume and taking stupid photos in the mall, impromptu judo lessons and just visiting a whole random bunch of places. We missed one of the cut off times for a park by 10 minutes, but by this time my legs were dying from the half jog i attempted from kings park to the other end of subiaco. Was hobbling around ED at work the next day glaring at anyone who dared to say their back pain was worse than mine.
I may well collapse in a heap somewhere in peru. I really should have trained more... oops? Also. rabies shots hurt. Eurgh.