AAU is once again experiencing an upheaval. They pulled out one of the AAU interns and made a new internal medicine unit which we have to rotate into on a weekly basis. Weird. On the plus side I no longer need to do any evenings and finish at 4 every day :) I prefer working in the mornings because, well, you're UP, and so is everyone else, which makes catching up with folks for lunch a helluva lot easier.
I had a pretty sweet weekend - went out with the Bunbury girls for drinks and dessert, finishing the night with an awesome stroll by the river in the drizzling rain. Chai stayed over and we realised we both had an unbridled love of all things Sandra Bullock, which resulted in even more sleep deprivation. Saturday brought on a pretty sweet night out with Arya, Ren, Jade and Emma - man, the desserts we had at the Third Ave Cafe were to die for! *drools just thinking about it* Following this was a night of flaily-dancing which I hadn't really done since... I think med dinner/allied health last year - so very overdue. And then Sunday brought the Snoodle's brunch where I ate FAR too much delicious food and topped it off with a DELICIOUS chocolate-orange iced chocolate that was so rich and so huge that the drive home was acutely painful whenever I took a corner/slowed for a traffic light and I spend the next hour trying my damndest not to throw up any of the rich chocolate. o_O
In order to stop myself from looking like this:
I've been watching far too many movies and TV shows, a majority of which have been horrendously cliched. The house is so much quieter now. Well, except for the small area i tend to stick to (much warmer). I guess the average noise level has dropped overall. Also I'm eating a lot more salad. yay salad! On the plus side, my beautiful beautiful corset is now at the post office waiting for me! *glee*
*I am actually a much much milder (?homeopathic) version of this, but Spongebob doesn't do anything by halves. Also, it was either this, or a llama that was undergoing a serious bout of misery.