Apr 30, 2008 20:30
In theatre all day. ALL. DAY. but enough about that (LEAD APRON OH GOD) ok, ok I'm done.
enough med.
Instead this post is brought to you by the once popular, now nearly nonexistant concept of personal space. SPACE THAT IS MY OWN. THAT I DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WANT YOU BREATHING IN. Especially if you are a lecherous anaesthetist or person standing next to me on the train or fellow meddite and again with the med! god this is going to be harder than I thought. But breathing down my neck? Oh god, i was just going to type here how i've relaxed my rigid rules formed by 20 years of prudism, what with the effectiveness of the 'reassuring hand on arm' when telling people unpleasant things... but i just realised how pissed off i'd get if some idiot looked at me with IzzyStevens!doe eyes that tried to convey how much they understood my pain. Welcome back to no-touchy land.
somebody tell her to shut up!