mmm... sleeeeeeep

Oct 02, 2007 21:22

Woke up at 5 (after going to bed at 2am according to gtalk) in order to bus it to uni by 6:30am to work on the debate. Aman rocked up twenty minutes late, but had a hilarious time cursing him w/ Moses. Still can't believe the number of people in the GAT at that time. WHY COME TO UNI SO EARLY?! (Admittedly two of them were asleep, so maybe they never left yesterday). Managed to wrangle a win somehow, watched an hour of Pulp Fiction in Reid, did more study then barely managed to stay awake in the first LL Yu lecture. So left with C and S to have Squashed Frogs in Dome.... MMMMMmmmm chocolate dosage. Things are quite terrible on the chocolate front at home - we had to pack up our pantry because they're breaking the wall down tomorrow, and my mother CANNOT REMEMBER WHERE SHE PACKED THE CHOCOLATE!!1 *CRIES*

In other news, yesterday was quite fantastic and seemed like it belonged more in Summer than the cold month o' October. Had quite a few v. good bus conversations, meandered along to sailing, managed to avoid falling in thanks to Ando's instructions and careful use of body weight (since when is tipping sideways into the river a GOOD thing? Speed my arse), basked in sunlight, had ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC hot chicken roll from The Jolly Friar, watched half of Chicago (one of fave movies) and then had an impromptu driving lesson which resulted in excessive revving and much panicking :P

Victim o' meme-nappage: quietliban
Synaesthesia: A condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces the visualization of a colour. ~ American Heritage Dictionary

1. What colour is fear? dark grey stained with red.
2. What sound does affection make? : a rough, warm, resonant laugh
3. What texture does Autumn have? : rough, wet, cold, stiff wool
4. What shape does a conversation make? : spirals
5. What fabric is a kitten made of? : cotton wool
6. What noise is made by curiosity? : a rustling - like papers being shuffled
7. What is the smell of knowledge? : freshly baked bread
8. How do you punctuate life? : Too many commas, not enough full stops.
9. What does death taste like? : chilled and very diluted sugar water.
10. If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one to hear it, what kind of tree is it? I'm not good with trees. The one I picture is slender, bare at the base with greyish bark darkly pigmented in areas. It has no leaves and seems to be dying and dried anyway.

when I think about some of these words I get weird reactions. With affection, I get goosebumps on the tops of my forearms and the feeling of warmth there- where you're usually in contact with someone in a hug. :D *thinks of more*

Oktoberfest on friday!! :D

meme, somebody tell her to shut up!, the woe that is uni

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