Hi honey, how was your day?

Jul 18, 2007 18:11

YIKES. A rather fabulous past few days, si? SI.

Gave Ando his birthday present (which C and I plotted to steal, before I decided it really wasn't a Nice Thing To Do) on Monday, Tuesday had awesome evening/night with Hasala, Tse &Prathipa whom I haven't seen since the Tse's dinner and we broke out the m&ms and Pictionary (which is a most fantastic game) and could barely hold our pencils cos we were laughing so hard XD Also watching the Namesake which is quite a terrible movie, but this may have been because it was a DVD preview version we were watching that was utterely devoid of subtitles, so we couldn't really understand hlaf of it, also confused at exactly what the film was trying to say. Hm. Today caught up with Ando, Yas and Kevin and went rock climbing. LMAO the guys' faces when they were coming down *cracks up* Also, it appears I have absolutely NO strength in my arms. got halfway up before realising i was well and truly stuck XD Was brilliant (as was ice cream we had after) but tiring. Only slightly nervewracking (horrifying, terrifying, nightmare-inducing) part of today was (somewhat deviously) getting my mum to meet ando and their four word conversation. yikes lol.

Attempting to get over horror by watching more futurama, then finishing OOtP and HBP (!!!!!!!!!!!) and watching Surfs Up. Which I have seen 10 minutes of. And looks quite hilarious and not the run o' the mill kids movie leaching off the penguin craze that I thought it'd be. (yes-i-admit-i-was-wrong-adon-shut-up. :P)

Looking forward to uni...


somebody tell her to shut up!, warning:fangirl

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