Prison Break Friending Meme
I decided to try to make one of these after seeing a friend,
misled post a 98* Meme. So come all Prison Break Fans and let's make friends!! I need some people to talk to about the show and about this ridiculous wait on the edge of our seats!!
So fill out the form in a comment and add some PB friends!!
Name:Read more... )
Age: 20
Location: Oklahoma
Favourite In-Prison Character: Michael
Favourite Episode: Odd Man Out
Favourite Overall Character: Michael
Most memorable moment from this season: Lincoln on the phone wit LJ before the execution
Favourite Actor/Actress Outside PB: George Clooney
Other fandoms you're into: Harry Potter, One Tree Hill, romantic comedies
Your journal is...: timidaffection
Something random about yourself: I'm adopted and an only child
Anything else you wanna say: I love making graphics: icons, friends only banners, headers, wallpapers, etc.
May I add you?
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