1. What type of format is standard for writing samples? Do they want to see a title page, abstract, and an outline? Last name in the header in addition to application number (if provided) and page number even if it is technically "wrong" according to the citation method you are using? How did you format your writing sample
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As for the SOP to your undergrad institution, I think that really depends on the school. In my program, there are a lot of students who were also undergrads at the same university - so I don't think there's as much a concern about incest. Have you spoken to some of the professors at your undergrad about you applying? What was their reaction? If they seemed fine with you applying, then I don't think you need to address this issue explicitly, just make sure that your SOP clearly shows why this program is a good fit for you. If they seemed concerned, then you might need to talk about it explicitly. Probably just say something that even though you were an undergrad there, you want to continue studying there because it's a great fit for you. Because your field is so small, I suspect this isn't going to be an issue, but I could be wrong.
It's the Berkeley "Personal History" statement, which is really a diversity statement if you read down the list of what they'd want to see. Funnily enough, I actually check the "race" box; unfortunately, I'm an ORM at Berkeley, and I'm sure they don't want to hear another story about Asian-American identity crisis (which I don't have anyways). The truest thing I may be able to talk about is a little bit of culture clash, but even then, it's not substantial.
I'd mentioned above that I hadn't been planning on applying to my undergrad institution. In fact, three of the profs I consulted (out of four) in my department told me I should definitely apply here, so they should be pretty aware of my circumstances, I imagine. The fourth pretty much just said that he preferred to send students elsewhere and that it would be more difficult for me to get into my undergrad institution, but he didn't seem particularly hesitant towards my staying otherwise.
In terms of the SOP to your undergrad, I wouldn't worry about explicitly addressing why you are applying despite being an undergrad there. It doesn't seem to be an issue. Just make sure that it's clear in your SOP that this program will support your studies in your research interests.
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