Yet another statement of purpose plea for help

Sep 26, 2010 12:19

I am applying to several library science programs for Spring 2011 admission, meaning my first deadline is in October.  I have been working on the SOP for a couple of months, and while I'm mostly happy with the one found after the cut, I think it could be better.  Please help, be as nit picky as you want, I can take it.

When I began working on my undergraduate degree, I was drawn to history because I have always loved the process of researching and finding information.  During one difficult search for information on a seventeenth century navigational device called a common log, I enlisted the help of an academic librarian at my undergraduate institution.  The librarian took my request with zeal,  clearly excited by the opportunity to help conduct research on something that she had not heard of before.  Ultimately, I walked out of the library armed with two things.  The first was a stack of papers with much needed information as well as a list of resources to check in the future.  The second was a clear idea of my future career path.  I had always loved research, and I was eager to find a career that enabled me to assist others with their research, and reference needs.  Academic librarianship was the field I had been looking for.

Later in my undergraduate career I realized how essential an academic librarian was to students and faculty alike. During a required historical research methods class, our professor set up  a class session in which one the college's librarians  instructed our class in how to use the library databases effectively.   Many of my classmates had not used the library databases and some were intimidated by the amount of results that an unrefined query could result in.  The librarian took time to explain which databases would yield the best results depending on the type of information was being sought, how to conduct effective searches, and then engaged the class in a dynamic discussion on judging the reliability of online sources and the usefulness of web 2.0 resources like wikipedia.  As the discussion continued and the class began asking more questions it was obvious that due to the growing dependence on technology within academia  it became more difficult every year for students to keep abreast of new methods of conducting research and accessing information, while adhereing to the tenets of academic honesty.

I currently work as an educational benefit liaison for veterans and I take great pleasure in assisting veterans work towards their educational goals by helping them navigate the application process to gain access to their educational benefits and providing information about other resources available to them.  I enjoy assisting others in their pursuit of information and I know that a career in librarianship will allow me to satisfy my love of helping others and my love of research and information.

Currently, to prepare for entering a rigorous master's program I have joined the American Library Association to increase my understanding of issues surrounding the library world.  I am a member of several ALA newsgroups including the new librarian group, the libraryand information technology association, and an academic librarian group.  Although these groups and membership in the ALA has provided me with a good basis of knowledge  to achieve my career goal of becoming an academic librarian, I need to learn more about the theory and practice regarding library science and information technology.  To do this I need to enter a Master's program which will prepare me for a career in librarianship.  I feel that {Library School's} program is best suited to help me reach my goals.  The opportunity to attend classes online will allow me more time to take on internships and gain essential experience within a library setting.  My primary research interests are: {enter interests and talk about how awesome their courses are} The continued pursuit of education is an essential part of my life, after I obtain my Master's in Library Science I plan on continuing my education at {Library School} and obtain a Master's degree in history.  I believe that the addition of a second master's degree will make me a well rounded information professional and allow me to bestter assist faculty and students with research queries.

x-posted to libraryschool

sop help, sop, statement of goals, sop-drafts

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