Score Reports for Oxford

Jan 14, 2010 12:37

I'm finishing up my application to Oxford and I'm having a bit of a 'huh?' moment. On their website it explicitly states that they do not need your GRE scores so do not send them. However, their is a section on the application to self report, which I did. Then there is a section where you are able to upload 'score reports'. Now, should I bother ( Read more... )

gre score reports

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Comments 2

sweetestthing18 January 14 2010, 18:14:00 UTC
I think they mean they don't need an official copy but do need your self-report and self-upload, but I'm not sure. You can call the program.


i_like_snow January 14 2010, 21:08:33 UTC
like sometimes the application is standard for all programs and maybe a program there requires those scores so that section is for those ppl, but u can just ignore them. but if u want to send your scores thats cool too. sorry if i misunderstood the q
k ttyl


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