Jan 07, 2010 16:37
A friend of mine has recently found a program (a terminal MA in sports management) that he would really like to get into. The problem is that he didn't do so hot as an undergrad; he approached it as many do: a means to an end. His GPA is about a 2.7-2.8. He's definitely bright, and has a lot of capability; he just did the bare minimum to get by in undergrad because he really didn't care *that much* about it.
However, he's been in the real world for a few years, done some jobs and all, and has since found something he really, really has a passion in. He's willing to dedicate whatever he needs to do for this program, and he and I both know that he's a lot more mature, and thinks of education much differently than he did before, and definitely has the ability to succeed.
However, I'm concerned to throw myself completely behind him, because I really don't know how realistic it is that he can GET INTO an MA---ANY MA---with his GPA. If he took undergrad courses to show he's more willing to dedicate time to school, or decided to persue a second degree, would this help him when applying? Or is it one of those "too little, too late" things?
Thanks for the help!
undergrad gpa,