What is a "good" Lit. GRE score?

Nov 21, 2009 17:12

So, I am not sure what to consider a "good" Lit. GRE score. If I have a Verbal score of 650 (93%) and a Quant. of 700 (72%), then what kind of a score do I need on the Lit. GRE to remain competitive? UCLA publishes that they suggest a 650 and UC-Irvine suggests a similar score. However, UC-Davis, which ranks only a couple places lower than UCI on the US News and World Report list, suggests a 550. I already have taken the test once and got a 570, which puts me in the 59th percentile. I don't expect that score to make me pop, but is it a liability? If I am looking at programs like Rutgers, NYU and many of the UC schools, should I take it again?

Also, I am looking at a couple of schools that list the subject test as optional (Northwestern, Duke). Does that mean "optional, but if you don't then we keep your application fee and laugh at you," or does it actually mean optional?

Thanks for the advice! I would love to hear about success stories with similar circumstances (if there are any).

literature phd., lit. gre, english

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