So I'm working on a first draft of my SoP. This is what I have as far as how my classes and internships have influenced my current interests; the rest of the statement will be specific to each school, which is what I'm having more problems with (but that's another story)
Masters in Marine Science )
Yea, I tried to stay clear of the Nemo-ish stuff, which is why I avoided the whole "I fell in love with marine science at Sea World" business (which is true, but still)
Well the way my internship is set up, we heard presentations from all the mentors, ranked them from our #1 to #8, and the director of our program matched us with a mentor, so this poject was actually my second choice. But I chose it because I liked the mentor/people in the lab, I liked the project, and I saw how I can apply the work to fishes (fishes also experience changes in oxygen levels depending where they are, they have adapted responses to changes in the environment in general) My first choice was actually population genetics of red drum, but I didn't get that.
Basically, my time at the aquarium exposed me to a lot of new information/animals (I had this huge binder with info on animals so I could talk to visitors) and that's how I can to the point of wanting to study fish more. I saw the great diversity and now I think they're the coolest things ever.
You weren't harsh at all; you've actually been such a great help! If I may ask, where did you end up?
For yours I would say definitely play up the similarities between the crabs and the fish, especially the research methods that could transfer over. Are you a senior this year? and if so are you already working in a lab? If you could possibly get into a fish lab you could take about the gradual evolution of your research interests - but regardless focus on the positives of your experience even if it wasn't exactly what you wanted to do or what you see yourself doing in the future (I managed to throw in a bunch of things in my sop that could be considered negatives that actually made me a better researcher). Your best bet for the aquarium bit would probably use it as a transition into your current interests (who dosen't like fish diversity ;P) but I would go in more than a sentence or so.
I'm going to start at Texas A&M in the fall (straight through phd rather than a masters first) which is quite exciting.
If you have any questions or need anyone to look over additional sop drafts feel free to pm me. I don't think there are a lot of marine science people in this community :)
But yea, I'll definitely focus on spinning everything so that it correlates with my interests.
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