This is more or less out of curiosity than anything.

Jan 28, 2009 13:28

Do you think schools know when they are your back up schools?
Because most of the programs I am applying to require the whole 3.0 GPA, ~1000 GRE, BA or BS from accredited university, etc. I have yet to take my GRE, but so far my GPA is well over 3.0 and I don't see any reason why I wouldn't have a Bachelor's degree in the next year...

One of my actual back up schools only requires a 2.67 GPA for admissions and only 700 on the GRE. If I'm "overqualified" (no arrogance intended), will they know that they are my back up and do you think this effects their over all judgment on your application?

I've actually been thinking about this a lot... I think they would know, but maybe it's not that important. And I know GPA and GRE aren't everything that admission is measured on. And I am sure that some people with very high scores on everything have chosen schools with lower requirements as dream schools due to a faculty member, area, etc.

Anyways, what do you think?

back up schools

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