E-mailing Professors?

Sep 04, 2008 20:31

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roseofjuly September 7 2008, 07:59:54 UTC
Do it. When I was writing my senior thesis I (somewhat timidly) e-mailed two professors whose scales I was using and asked for their assistance. One professor in particular was very friendly and asked to see a copy of my thesis when I was finished. I forwarded it to him after completion, thanking him for his help, and he told me that I should publish my thesis and gave me some suggestions for cleaning it up and getting it ready! Unsolicited comments. I had a pocketful of sunshine that day :D

I made it rather formal, addressing him as "Professor Glynn" and asked my question concisely.

Okay, from re-reading your question it seems that you want to ask professors about clarification about graduate programs, not your actual research. I would tread much more lightly with this. If it's something research-related, I would ask them. If it something more related to general logistics of the program, I would ask the program coordinator. Since being in graduate school (going on three weeks y'all!) I've realized that the professors really don't know much about general administration, and that my program coordinator is A-FUCKING-MAZING. I swear she knows everything in the world. (Seriously, make a good relationship with the program coordinator early on -- I was broke as a joke and she assisted me in getting set up with some emergency cash flow!)

So, to summarize -- I would most likely go with the program coordinator/director as far as general program questions go. If there is a professor that you should ask, he or she will be able to tell you who to talk to and may even facilitate such contact.


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