Feb 27, 2008 10:00
I just had to tell a really great program that I won't be attending. Maybe I'm just taking this all too personally, but it felt a bit like a breakup! This was a program that was recruiting me hard with a prospective advisor who really wanted me in his lab. So I had to compose this email that was all, "It's not you, it's me...." Although it's the truth, and the reason I can't go there is because of my "two-body problem," it was tough to do.
I think I'm just WAY too emotionally invested in this process, and I'm sure that school didn't get their feelings hurt over losing me. And I'm VERY sure that my prospective advisor isn't going to cry for a week over it, LOL. It just feels strange to have the shoe on the other foot, so to speak.
Is anyone else feeling a little bit guilty, or have I finally lost it?
declining admission,
declining offers