Dec 28, 2007 12:21
I'm having some anxiety over my GRE scores and I've heard mixed things about what is a 'good' GRE score. I'm applying to MA programs in Political Science. Some people are saying here the program is just looking for you to break 1000. Others say it's 1200. Some people are saying I wouldn't even apply with anything below a 1500. I'm applying to mostly top 100 schools (one top 10 school and most in the 50-100 rank range.)
My quant is a lot, lot weaker than my verbal and I was majorly stressing over this especially as the programs I'm applying to have stats on their website saying most people do better on the quant than the vebal. However, I checked out one programs website which said we emphasize the verbal score much more. Does this vary program to program?
Thanks in advance :)