a few days ago,
at my friends apartments,
we were walking to his car.
a guy let his little terrier dog out.
the dog looked at us for awhile from the stairs.
we looked at the dog.
the dog decided to follow us.
the owner of the dog kept trying to call it back but, it would not listen, though there was a little bit of hesitation like in the movies when the animal had to choose between two people and makes its choice.
the dog walked up to us and we stopped to see what its intentions were.
the owner came out and kept trying to call it back some more.
the final decision of the dog was made.
it went up to me, smelled my leg, put its paws on my leg leaning against it, and gave my hand a few licks. the owner finally won it over. it was very unexpected and funny.
why do animals and babies like me so much?
what does that connect to?