1. FREE chain lubing this Thursday 11 September, 5-7pm, on Market & Octavia.
SFBC Streetside Outreach: Free Lube Jobs!
Thu., Sep. 11 | 5-7pm | Market @ Octavia
Join the SFBC Streetside Outreach team as they provide FREE chain lubing in the name of bike love. Want to get your hands dirty with the SFBC's volunteer Dream Team? Email Tessa@sfbike.org to help!
Reminder: GO SLOW around Market & Octavia...statistically one of the most dangerous patches in the city.
2. The next Sunday Streets event is this coming 14 September:
http://www.sundaystreetssf.com/ Embarcadero will be blocked off from cars from 9am to 1pm all this Sunday. Yoga, bicycling, and other outdoor events along the route are scheduled.