Apr 26, 2006 10:51
I'm saying goodbye to myspace. Even though I'm not deleting my account, I'm not going to log on to it for awhile. Well, at least as long as i can manage. I'm having a contest with EB to see who can go the longest without logging onto our accounts. I think i'll loose but after awhile, because i'm determined to not log on. I was going to delete my account, but then i thought that that might not be such a great idea. So, to replace myspace, i'm going to be going on Livejournal now. I've even replaced it as my "HOME" page when i click on my internet button. So i'll probably be making alot more entries in the next following days. Not this weekend though, because i'm going to my volleyball tournament in Orlando. I'm leaving Friday at 4:30, and i'll be back sometime on Sunday. Depending if we win or loose, the later i'll be home. If we win more then i'll be staying later. If we loose then i'll probably be home around 1 o'clock on Sunday. :) Well, I'm going to go for now. Talk to me on aim. "katiexcorez" OR CALL CELL PHONE. [3867184] Call me anytime, i'll be happy to talk, but more happy to listen.