My Lesson Learned

Aug 29, 2008 16:27

I wanna choke myself. In fact, if Jun was here, I'd let him choke me for my own stupidity. Look what I did...

$80.00 cardigan. 100% wool from Gap. Tried it on, fell in love with it instantly. It was my perfect Fall cardigan! Bought it two days ago. And this is how it looked after I threw it in the wash followed by the dryer. YESSS! I KNOW! I AM STUPID. I was so freakin' caught up with all the other chores on my long ass list, it didn't even occur to me that YOU CANNOT PUT WOOL IN THE DRYER!!! $80 freakin' dollars down the drain...

I opened the dryer and let out a loud gasp. I was so loud Chei came running to me and asked, "Mummy, why you look so sad? Are you angry at daddy again?} Lol. At least she managed to make me smile despite the pain I was feeling. $80 may not be much to some of you, but that's like...ugh. Nevermind. I was going to count how many lipglosses or eyeshadows $80 could buy, but I can't be bothered with makeup right now. I'm just so pissed at myself.

That was yesterday.

I called Jun on his cell phone and told him what I did, trying not to cry. Because I really did like that cardigan. He was there when I bought it and he knew that I was in love with it. You know how a child has his/her favorite blanky? Well, that's how I felt about that cardigan.

And a few hours later, he came home with another one! Yaaaaaaaay! My boyfriend saved the day (for once)!

The shrunken sweater literally fits Chei. So I guess it's not a complete waist of money. But still. I will allow the first person who finds a stamper with the word "DUMBASS" stamp it on my forehead. I swear, I'm not joking. This has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever done in a long time.

So what did we learn today? That no matter how busy you are, ALWAYS check for the label of your favorite sweater before throwing it in the dryer =)

My older sister came over and saw the damaged cardigan...

"What's this?"
"Aaaagh...I accidentally put it in the dryer?"
"Your name should be Kata."
"Who's Kata?"

LOL. Surely you guys won't get the joke, unless of course you're Filipino.

stupid, photos

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