Let's talk about sex, baby

Aug 08, 2008 00:23

It might be this hot, hot, hot weather gettin' to me, but earlier today I was feeling a little, you know.  HOT, and umm...bothered.  So as I wandered around the house trying to find any means of cooling myself off, I thought of something rather naughty.  I mean hey, the house was empty for once! The little bugger was at Summer pre-school, Jun took the car to a mechanic to have it fixed and well, I was alone and feeling lonely.

I can't believe I'm actually sharing this side of myself to you people, but we're all adults here, right? No need to hide something that we've all probably done before.

So I got my cold butt out of the fridge, feeling excited, and grabbed my "little" friend and its other "little" friend.  Yeh, I have two.  Is that bad? Because I know most people only have one, but I thought heck why not, get one in grey and pink...my favorite color! I was never keen on using these little vibrating things before, I always thought I didn't need something so fancy shmancy.  Any old electronic device would do, for me anyway.  Heck, if a cordless phone could do the job, I so would!

I ran into our bedroom and I stood there for a second, feeling a little more excited.  But I remembered something.  I remembered that the last time I've done this I had my camera to accompany me.  To make it a little more exciting.  Perhaps I can show Jun the photos when he got home and get HIM excited, if you know what I mean.

I looked at the clock and realized I was running out of time, Jun was going to be home any minute and I kind of wanted him to catch me in action...*wink*

So I made sure to grab my Nikon and started going at it.  The first time (yeh, I went twice) was of course, on the bed.  I had to kneel down to get the right shot, it was a little awkward bending this and bending that just so I could get THE perfect shot, but I managed and it came out perfect (no pun intended)!

As I finished that round, I just couldn't settle for one.  So I went to the livingroom, not minding the time.  Then the computer desk caught my eyes, I thought how perfect.  I've never done it on a computer desk before.  A table yah, but not a desk.  Gawd, I'm so bad aren't I? So I rested my elbow on the desk and arched my back, then started to fiddle around a bit with my little grey electrifying friend who was by the way not co-operating with me! I think I didn't charge the battery long enough.  So I then grabbed the pink one and it was magical! *sigh* I never thought I could have so much fun doing this by myself.  Mission accomplished!

And to make all this once-in-a-blue-moon experience (hey, I'm not like this everyday!)  even more exhilarating, I dared myself to post up the ACTION pictures up on my journal.  Wanna see? Are you curious?

My pink Blackberry getting nailed by the grey Blackberry on the bed.  Telling ya, kneeling on the floor to get this shot was NOT easy my friend! Nope.

And the shot on our computer desk.  Too bad for the grey Blackberry, had he just stayed charged, he could've gotten more action and this lucky mouse wouldn't be hogging all the fun.  Damn, my Blackberry is such a slut.

What? It was hot and I had nothing better to do! Did you guys think I was talking about something else? Dude, this is the most green-minded I will ever get, so consider yourself lucky I even got you excited.  Hahahahahaha!

sex, photos

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