(no subject)

Jul 23, 2008 01:05

Kanon is waiting.

He is waiting for something that a few months ago - even one, singular month ago - he would have never thought feasible. He would have thought himself insane for believing that it was to happen. And yet, it wasn't a belief - it was reality.

Someone was going to live in this apartment again, and actually make it look like a place that might be worth sticking around for.

But it's ab-so-lutely hard to wait! Almost like a child on Christmas morning! He knows that Bridget will arrive any minute now, but still - ever so hard.

He should have picked him up. That would have been easier. But then Kanon would have been tempted to randomly suggest they find some other place. And for some reason, he felt it was necessary that it be here.


oom, bridget

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