Sep 11, 2004 11:43
ohhh man the weather here has been crazy! this morning i woke up and the wind was blowing soooo hard the windows were shaking! then i went to breakfast and the sun was shining like it as gonna be a beautiful day, but now the rain is coming in...oy! it's kerrrrrazy!
last night was fun, but i don't know what to think of kim's friend jen. she's part hawaiian so she thinks she better than everyone else, especially better than us's kind of ridiculous. particularly for me, because i'm not the most enlightened person when it comes to ethnic food and hawaiian tradition, etc. so last night at dinner she kept making fun of me cuz i didn't know the hawaiian words for things. like salmon has it's own hawaiian word. and's ridiculous! like i'd know that...haha. whatever. i'm sure it will get better. but she was talking about the ghosts of the hawaiian islands. there are these ones called night marchers and i guess what they are, are old warriors marching around battle ground trying to get revenge. you can hear their drums coming. and if you ever see them, you're supposed to lie down right where you are and not look at them cuz if you do they might kill you. and!! in the homes, there are doors right congruent w/ each other because it's believed that if the night marchers somehow get in your house and they can just walk straight through the doorways, they will come looking for you and hurt you because they couldn't find their way out...holy crap! supposedly she has seen them and kim has heard the tribal drums late at night...creepy! i really wanna go to the big island...i think that's where all the creepy stuff happens...but's cool.
whew. well i'm gonna go to ala moana and do some shopping w/ everyone. love ya guys!