(no subject)

Apr 12, 2009 00:30

Yeah, idk. I was bored, and Axel and Hachibi were both feeling chatty, so first I bugged Tanya, and then Nai. *shrug* GOOD TIMES. :Db

ninAxel: *so. in the simulation room, I guess, because it's quiet and free of distractions. started out sitting, to meditate or whatever, but has long since switched to pacing. has been gone for a couple of hours already, so Kai, feel free to come see what the hell happened to him~*

Kai: *is indeed coming to see wtf is up, but mostly to see if Axel's hungry. he has a lunch-ish meal for him c:*
Kai: *but yes, enters with a tray including sammich with meats, an apple, a bottle of soda, and a little bowl of ice cream. but pauses when he sees the pacing* Axel?

ninAxel: *pacepacepa-- pauses, head snapping around to look intently at him as soon as he speaks. eyes are yellow, tattoos elongated down his cheeks and up through his eyes to his forehead; curious headtilt*

Kai: *...well that's probably not good. stops in the doorway, frowning* Uh.

ninAxel: *smiles disarmingly, padding a bit closer* It's alright, don't be afraid. *voice: Axel's, layered with a deeper one, which is in turn blended with the growls and snarls of a large predator*

Kai: *stiffens a little automatically, frown deepening* I'm not afraid. *is, at least a little, and it's probably easy to smell. but he's not showing it at all*

ninAxel: *grins, much more toothily than Axel generally does* You can't fool me, little one. But it's alright, I understand. Most humans find me threatening. *prowls closer, veering off to the side as if to circle around him, eyes fixed on him*

Kai: *doesn't respond, watching him warily and wondering how much danger he's in, and if it's worth it trying to call for help*

ninAxel: *stalks around to get between Kai and the door, if Kai will let him >.>* You are worried, I can tell. You think I'm just going to leap on you and rip you to shreds, is that it?

Kai: *just... turns around, so his back's not shown, and shakes his head* No, I don't think that. *which is true* But I don't know you, besides knowing that you're dangerous.

ninAxel: Hn, so you're not as naive as you look. *looks as if he would be half-pinning his ears, if he had them* I'm only dangerous to the right people, or the wrong people, depending on your point of view. I have no real reason to attack you, ever.

Kai: *VAGUELY INSULTED BY THAT COMMENT but s-smiles hesitantly at the next bit* That's good to know.

ninAxel: (No real reason. :| )

Kai: (Shhh he knows. :|)

ninAxel: ( :| )

Kai: (He's hoping that's good enough. >>; )
Kai: (If they were planetside or something, it'd probably worry him more.)
Kai: (*pets his optimism*)

ninAxel: (Aww. *pets it too*)

ninAxel: *smiles enigmatically* You know, I'm surprised you could tell the difference between us so quickly.

Kai: *fidgets a little* You're just... different.

ninAxel: *creeping closer, steadily* Mm. It can't be my chakra, because you're not trained to sense it. But there's something different about you. No wonder he likes you so much, you counteract me quite well. *got quite close to Kai, at some point; is very good at talking to distract from his actions*

Kai: *holy shit when did you get here. shuffles back a little bit, still holding onto the tray tightly. but wait, hey* I'm sure there's more than just that.

ninAxel: (*cackle*)

Kai: (o u)

ninAxel: (*rubs hands together gleefully*)

ninAxel: *looks at Kai sympathetically, looking almost like woobie!Axel for a moment* Oh, but of course he wouldn't tell you that to your face. He wouldn't want to hurt you, you know. *tsks* He's only got any backbone at all because of me as it is.

Kai: *looks hurt for a moment, then crouches down to put down the tray before straightening again. only now he looks more annoyed than anything, though still kind of hurt on the inside* You realize I have absolutely no reason to believe you, right?

ninAxel: *smile~* I know. I wouldn't really expect you to, as smart as you seem to be. *just waiting for a good opportunity, now...*

Kai: *crosses his arms, keeping up the brave front* Then what's the point in saying something like that?

ninAxel: To see if you are weak enough to react. *:3*

Kai: *...incredulous stare*

ninAxel: *C:*

Kai: *resists the urge to throw his hands up at the sheer ridiculousness of it all* You're as bad as he is!

ninAxel: (Axel: *distantly* Hey!)

Kai: (lmfao)

ninAxel: He is as bad as I am, more like. I haven't even been with him that long, only a little more than a decade. Imagine what he might be like in another twenty years, assuming he lives that long. *smug*

Kai: *and here we have Kai being an idiot; smacks his arm at the last comment* Don't say things like that. *>:C*

ninAxel: *grins wolfishly at him, yellow eyes flat and emotionless like a snake's* Are you going to stop me from saying them, little one?

Kai: *huffs, pretending not to be unnerved by those eyes* There's not any way I really could.

ninAxel: Exactly. And it's only that you haven't irritated me, and that you make him feel content and safe-- gods only know why-- that I'm not airing my grievances with those fools from Konoha on you, for interrupting us. *suddenly, up very close in your personal space! runs his fingers through Kai's hair, still grinning, and up close, those teeth are quite sharp, and quite capable of crushing things*

Kai: *cringes back a bit even as he feels a twinge of pride at knowing he makes Axel feel safe. he's really not sure what to say at this point, what with the very close potential threat right there in his face*

ninAxel: *slides the same hand to rest spread against the base of Kai's throat, long fingers gripping ever-so-slightly; leans in even closer, breath hot and humid above his fingers, lips barely brushing a fluttering pulse under the skin* *murmurs silkily* Or I could kill you right here. I could crush your throat and tear out your windpipe before you even drew breath to scream. What do you think about that, hm?

ninAxel: (Now, moment of truth. Will Kai recognize that he's being tested, and provide the correct answer, or not~?)

Kai: (Mmmmm.)

ninAxel: ( c: )

Kai: *as frightening as this situation is, he trusts Axel too much to really believe that would happen, even if Hachibi's in control* I don't think you would.

ninAxel: *is terribly still and silent for a long moment, but then pulls away, looking a bit like his parade has been rained on* Hn. I would, but he wouldn't, and I suppose that's what counts, after all. You're braver than you look, too. *steps back out of Kai's personal space*

Kai: *lets out a nearly inaudible sigh of relief, which is probably very obvious to Hachibi* Not sure if that's supposed to be a compliment or not. *mumbling and raising a hand to rub at his neck, even if he wasn't actually hurt*

ninAxel: *snorts* Of course it is. *still eyeing him a little hungrily, but then ducks his head sort of sideways, as if he 1) had longish ears and 2) someone had just tugged hard on one of them*

Kai: *...okay that was more amusing to see than he ever thought it would be, and his lips twitch upwards for a moment despite the look in the other's eyes*

ninAxel: *actually looks distant and unfocused now, as if he's listening to something only he can hear (which he is)*

Kai: *puts a tiny bit more space between them in the meantime, watching him curiously*

ninAxel: *it's apparently an argument of sorts, judging by the furrowed brow and general >| expression*

Kai: *yeah, little more space >>;*

ninAxel: *does the head duck again and snarls quietly, but then closes his eyes, head tipping forward* *stumbles a bit in place*

Kai: *reaches out automatically to steady him D:*

ninAxel: Mnrgh. *raises a hand to his head, looking up after a second* *eyes: green again* *tattoos: shrinking back to normal, slowly*

Kai: ...Axel? *moving back to him now, yes*

ninAxel: *shakes his head to clear the weird displaced feeling away, and blinks several times to de-fog his vision* Yeah, 'm fine.

Kai: ...I brought you lunch. *c:*

ninAxel: *stares at him, and then gets a look of "oh... I-- OH. D:"* *kfjgdhs* *gathers Kai up into a tight hug*

Kai: *--hugged, brings his arms up to hug back, letting out a content sigh* You know, that guy's kind of an asshole.

ninAxel: Yeahhh. *heavy sigh* I'm sorry, I was sort of aware of what he was doing, but it was drifting in and out, or I would have stopped him sooner. *cling*

Kai: It's okay. *continues to hug him, nuzzling at whatever's closest briefly. probably neck*

ninAxel: *nuzzles at Kai's hair* You're okay, though?

Kai: I'm fine, promise. *a little shaken by the encounter, but injury free!*

ninAxel: *might need to check that personally, later >.>* Good. If he ever managed to hurt you-- well. He wouldn't, that's all there is to it.

Kai: I know. I trust you. *otherwise he probably would've been more worried*

ninAxel: I think he was testing that, the bastard. He's so weird about people and things I'm attached to sometimes. *disgruntled noise*

Kai: *patpat*

ninAxel: *SIGH* *god I'm so hungry. that shit is really draining. x_x*

Kai: *well there's food right there, seriously. probably smell-able*

ninAxel: *yeah, can smell it. cue tummy rumble*

Kai: *it's got lots of meats!*
Kai: *draws away, then motions to the tray on the floor* Like I said, lunch.

ninAxel: *:o* *dives for it* *not literally, but with almost that much enthusiasm*

Kai: *c:* Do you want me to get more while you eat?

ninAxel: *devouring food* Nuh, 'm good. *horf*

Kai: Okay. *settles down nearby and watches him quietly*

ninAxel: *has consumed everything except the dishes, basically, in about two minutes* *hiccup*

Kai: ... *snrk* You shouldn't eat so fast.

ninAxel: Ngh. *flops onto his back on the floor*

Kai: *scoots over to him, though he stays sitting up*

ninAxel: *sprawl*

Kai: *....lays across c:*

ninAxel: *oof*
ninAxel: *wraps arms around*

Kai: *cuddle*

ninAxel: *c:*

Kai: What were you doing anyway? *props himself up a bit*

ninAxel: Just letting him out for a bit, and working on fine-tuning my control of him. It's really hard. *x_x* I'm just making it up as I go, so I don't know if I'm getting anywhere or not.

Kai: You probably are and it's just hard to notice. *optimism!*

ninAxel: Mmn. *not so good at optimism, but we've discussed that already*

Kai: *he can be optimistic for the both of them!*

ninAxel: *nrrrgh optimism-- has a thought! unrelated to the rest of this! :o* Hey... d'you still have my jacket?

Kai: Hm? Yeah, it's in the medbay. *headtilt* I kept forgetting to give it back.

ninAxel: *quiet for a minute* ...I want to burn it.

Kai: *...blink* Why?

ninAxel: It's the last bit of my old life I still have. That I can get rid of, I mean. Obviously I can't get rid of him or anything. *>>;;;* But I don't need it anymore.

Kai: *rises off him, smiling gently and leaning in for a moment to give him a soft, brief kiss* Want me to go get it now?

ninAxel: ...yeah. *small smile*

Kai: Okay, I'll be right back. *another kiss, and then he's standing and heading for the door~*

ninAxel: *tucks his hands under his head and looks thoughtfully up at the ceiling*

Kai: *returns a little while later with a croissant half in his mouth and the jacket in his hands*

ninAxel: ... *snrk*

Kai: *no u* *drops the jacket on him and takes the croissant out of his mouth*

ninAxel: You've got food in the medbay now? *gathers it up, getting to his feet*

Kai: I stopped on the way. *>>;*

ninAxel: *steals a bit of croissant >>*

Kai: *D<*
Kai: *stuffs the rest in his mouth*
Kai: *looks like a hamster 8D*

ninAxel: *snrk*

Kai: *nomnomnomswallow*

ninAxel: You're so weird sometimes. *munches the bit he swiped*

Kai: You're weirder. *c:*

ninAxel: Well, yes.

Kai: *so, finished eating* Are you just gonna... *hand motions!*

ninAxel: *>_>* *holds the jacket in one hand, and foom, fire. but it looks a bit like oil and water; the fire's just sitting on the fabric, and dropping off onto the floor, in fact* ...oh right. Hm. *ponders*

Kai: *....headtilt*

ninAxel: *brushes some of the fire off with his hand, holding it out for Kai to feel* I always take for granted that it's been fireproofed. See, it's not even hot.

Kai: *reaches out to feel* Huh.
Kai: Are we talking completely fireproof? *>>* Would hotter fire work?

ninAxel: Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. You might want to uh. Back up a little. *drops the jacket on the floor and crouches next to it*

Kai: *backs up a lot :|*

ninAxel: *:|*
ninAxel: *pokes it and covers the whole thing in fire, of the blueish-yellow sort*

Kai: *watches :O*

ninAxel: (Oh, excuse me, according to Wiki, the only colors for fire are red, orange/yellow, and white.)

ninAxel: *make that generally reddish, then, but still hot enough to feel even from where Kai is, probably*

Kai: *well, still watching!*

ninAxel: *\o/*
ninAxel: Jacket: *is just looking a little singed around the edges, haha, fuck you*

Kai: *osm*

ninAxel: *sticks a hand right into the flames to spread the fabric out a bit* Jeez, what the hell did Vexen put on this thing. *cranks the temperature up more, shifting the flames to a yellowy-white, which translates to fucking hot*

Kai: *shuffles back a bit more just to be safe, because that's a lot of heat*

ninAxel: I hope Destiny doesn't turn safety sprinklers on or something. *>>;;;* *jacket: finally gives up and combusts, flaring orange in the middle of the Axel-generated fire*

Kai: I'm sure she knows what's going on-- *jerks back a bit when the fire flares*

ninAxel: Let's hope so. *mushes it back into a condensed pile so the floor doesn't suffer so much; hand is still in the fire, yes*

Kai: *...finds that so fascinating, what*

ninAxel: *thinks nothing of it, lol* *just. watches it burn, thoughtfully silent*

Kai: *wants to go over and be all comfort-y and stuff :c*

ninAxel: *is fine <3* *smiles a little, actually*

Kai: *wants to anyway, though! D:*

ninAxel: *aww. you can be comfort-y and stuff after, k?* *jacket: turning into pile of ash, reluctantly*

Kai: *k* *is smiling because Axel is smiling, watching him rather than the jacket*

ninAxel: *jacket: gives up the ghost, fine :< leaves sizable pile of ash behind*

Kai: *hesitantly moves closer again* How are you feeling?

ninAxel: Hm? *glances up at him* Oh. Fine. *smiles, turning back to the ash pile and rummaging through it just to make sure it all burned properly*

Kai: Good. *stops and stands next to him, wrinkling his nose a bit at the smell of burnt jacket*

ninAxel: *getting hand all sooty-- owat* *withdraws a shiny! look, it's Roxaslace, totally unharmed :o* Oh, damn. I must have left it in one of the pockets. *brushes the soot off of it*

Kai: *:o* Good thing nothing happened to it, then.

ninAxel: Yeah... *thought! :O* Oh, hey. I can give it to Sora. Did you know their birthdays are in a couple of days?

Kai: *blinks and shakes his head, feeling a bit bad* I didn't.

ninAxel: *grin* Yeah, me either. Roxas called me last night to ask for advice about what to give his. *snrk*

Kai: I'll have to make them something. *thoughtful*

ninAxel: Yeah, I dunno what the hell to give the other two. *stands and pockets Roxaslace*

Kai: You can help me make them stuff, and it can be from the both of us. *c:*

ninAxel: *c:* That works. *reaches out to wrap an arm around Kai's waist*

Kai: *leans against him- makes a face* You need a shower.

ninAxel: *makes a face also* Ngh.

Kai: *frowns up at him*

ninAxel: *already plotting his course of action to make the shower as short as possible*

Kai: Mind if I take one with you? *c:?*

ninAxel: *oh, well. that makes it much less painful. :o* Noooo. I might actually stay in there for more than three seconds if you're there. *c:*

Kai: How horrible. *sounds amused, though he's well aware of Axel's dislike for water. necessary evils, bb :c*

ninAxel: *:<* Ngh. Well, let's go, then. *takes Kai's hand and tugs him toward the door*

Kai: Okay. *goes with~ <3*


Spyxas: +in the simulation room, at the controls. hm, type type cranks a dial. adjusts belt. ... cranks level up to hard.+

ninAxel: *don't slip in the jacket-sized pile of ash >>*

Spyxas: +was about to walk into the actual simulation, kind of goes :| at it.+ ...

ninAxel: *comes in, looking freshly showered!* Oh, hey.

Spyxas: +--jerks to look at him, then looks back towards the room.+ Hey.

ninAxel: *also carrying broom, dustpan, and a garbage can >>* Was just gonna clean that up. *nods at the ash pile*

Spyxas: ... +nods.+ Why'd you...? +gestures to it.+

ninAxel: Oh, it was just my old jacket. Wanted to get rid of the last connection I had to my old life. *shrug* *sets everything down, starts herding the ash pile into the dustpan*

Spyxas: +looks at him carefully, leaning against the doorway and crossing his arms.+ You say that really easily.

ninAxel: *shrugs again* 's just a jacket. I can't get rid of the important stuff, like my bijuu, and probably wouldn't anyway.

Spyxas: What's so bad about your old life?

ninAxel: *glances at him* You saw what happened to me down there. That's all my life was -- violence, nobody trusting people from other villages, more violence, that sort of shit. I had a crazy chakra demon sealed into my body at age six, and then got treated like crap because of it, by the people who did it. *sweepsweep*

Spyxas: +looks away, keeping his arms crossed--maybe a little tighter.+ They chase people down like that on a daily basis? +voice is noticably quieter.+

ninAxel: Mmhm. You have to be very careful about the circumstances under which you leave your village, or even sharing information about it. Once you've been branded a missing-nin, you're a free target for any village, if they can track you down. *dumps the contents of the dustpan into the garbage can*

Spyxas: +scowl, then rubs his forehead with his fingertips.+ Right.

ninAxel: *gathers everything up* So were you going to train or something?

Spyxas: Planning to. +scuffs at the ground.+

ninAxel: I'll get out of your way, then. *smile*

Spyxas: ... +glances away, with a smile of his own.+ Thanks. +-then, let's it fade.+
Spyxas: ... you and your Roxas had to go through that. +sort of a question, but not quite.+

ninAxel: *gaze goes a bit steely, but then softens again* Well, he didn't. Not really. He was a missing-nin from birth, basically, since the Organization kidnapped him from Konoha when he was a baby. And because of the training he got with them, he's hardly ever been traced or tracked down or anything.

Spyxas: +nods.+ ... right. More parallels than I thought.

ninAxel: *:\* That sucks. I mean... wow, I don't actually know that much about you, besides the fact that you're a spy. Huh.

Spyxas: +small shrug, looks at him.+ You didn't ask. +there isn't an almost-smirk there, nope.+

ninAxel: *snrk* Maybe I'm asking now.

Spyxas: +mock heavy sigh.+ If I must. ... what'dyou wanna know, anyway?

ninAxel: Well... *awkward shuffle* I dunno, where're you from, what sort of stuff did you do when you were younger, that sort of thing. I feel like everyone here knows at least that much about me. *:\*

Spyxas: +leans back.+ ... M'from Lyon, France. I used to swim, and I was a complete geek when I was in school. --you're wrong, by the way. I've got my guesses, but nothing concrete on you or a lot of people.

ninAxel: *makes a face at the swimming part, but then perks up* Really? I figured, y'know, spy and everything, especially you would know that kind of stuff.

Spyxas: Like I said, I've got my guesses. I don't have anything against any of you guys, so I don't think I want to go the regular spy-way to make sure. +shrugs.+ I could.

ninAxel: *pfft* So noble. Guesses about what, then?

Spyxas: Pasts, hobbies, other things.

ninAxel: *shrugs carelessly* So ask people about them. We've all been around each other for months and months now, we're all living in the same space, we've all pretty much seen each other naked by now, several times... there's no harm in wanting to get to know people better, because of that.

Spyxas: +glances away, one foot against the doorframe.+ ... there's no harm in it, I'm just not... proficent--you know, good at it.

ninAxel: *random idea* Maybe once everyone's back on the ship for a while, we should... I dunno, play truth or dare, but with no dares and only tamer truths, like what peoples' hobbies are. *thoughtful expression*

Spyxas: +small smile, closes his eyes.+ Yeah, maybe.

ninAxel: *train of thought carries on* Like... that last game we were in before we ended up here, I didn't know until then that you had a thing for foreign languages.

Spyxas: +scratches the back of his head.+ ... it's not a 'thing'.
Spyxas: It's part of my job. If you keep having candy after a nap regularly, it gets hard to think of a nap without candy or candy without a nap.

ninAxel: Yeah, true. I think you told me one time about that thing you have, with absorbing other people's skills and stuff. Is that where it came from?

Spyxas: +raises his eyebrows.+ ... you're asking if Citadel gave me my powers, or--?

ninAxel: *flaps hands at him* No, no, the language thing. I mean, it seems like multiple languages would be pretty useful for a spy, and that would be a fast way to get them...

Spyxas: +coughblush.+
Spyxas: Yeah.

ninAxel: *steps closer to patpat a shoulder :c*

Spyxas: +glances up at him. ... then, actually shrugs, kind of smiling.+ Was fun.

ninAxel: That's good. *c:* *remembers that Spyxas was going to train* Pfft, I was going to leave so you could get back to whatever in here.

Spyxas: +tilts his head, nods.+ You could stay around if you want. S'kind of boring to train by yourself.

ninAxel: True. I could use a workout, anyway, I'm losing my edge with all this bed rest and "being careful" shit.

Spyxas: +waltzes into the room, raising a hand.+

ninAxel: *shoves the cleaning stuff aside and strips out of his shirt, because he's gotten used to not wearing it lately*

Spyxas: +adjusts his belt.+ Guess you can turn off the simulator, unless you wanna give us landscape.

ninAxel: *:o* *goes to turn it off; comes back and stands a short distance away from him* So how're we doing this?

Spyxas: Whatever goes?

ninAxel: *rolls his shoulders a bit* Works for me. *settles into a defensive stance, which is the signal for Roxas to come on and do something c:*

Spyxas: +raises his eyebrows, then crouches--to almost disappear from sight. and suddenly, a kick in his side which he could probably spot in a matter of miliseconds before it connects.+

ninAxel: *dfkjghdhfk is so out of practice, jesus. thrown off balance and topples sideways, skidding and catching himself on one hand* ...not bad. *looks impressed*

Spyxas: Thanks. +lands on his hands from the kick, then shoves himself back so he's standing on two feet, taking a few steps back with his hand into the back of his belt.+

ninAxel: *eyes him suspiciously, then darts forward, just as fast as Roxas did, feinting at him and then peeling off to the side to come at him from a different angle*

Spyxas: +half-goes for the feint, before grabbing an extending pole from the back of his belt. lets it go out to it's full length, jams it into the floor and pushes himself to the top, trying to avoid his blow.+

ninAxel: *oh man, fuck you Roxai and going up high. YOU JUST WANT TO BE TALL, DAMMIT, THAT'S THE ONLY REASON FOR IT. ;;* *stops himself before he runs into it, twisting immediately into a kick aimed at the pole*

Spyxas: +lets go of it quickly, flying off to the opposite corner of the room. lands on his feet, crouched down in classic spy pose.+

ninAxel: *dashes thataway, hoping to trap him in the corner*

Spyxas: +--oh, shit, yeah. tries to skid to the left.+

ninAxel: *follows, trying to cut him off*

Spyxas: +... how close are you to me.+

ninAxel: *at this moment? about 10-15 feet away, assuming this is a fairly large room and we were sort of in the middle when we started*

Spyxas: +yes, probably. not too close, so damn. has to back up. will wait...+

ninAxel: *that's no good. moves into a running leap worthy of someone from the Matrix, aiming for the empty space behind Spyxas, using his momentum to twist in midair so that he'll have a decent angle of attack when he lands*

Spyxas: +backs up to the complete corner, and then shoves himself forwards. uses a lot of physics to fight, if you hadn't noticed. is going to try to use Axel to propell himself out.+

ninAxel: *jfkdhgs* *gets a hand on the wall, and then his feet on it as well, and pushes off, going for a full-body tackle*

Spyxas: +--ahh floor. grunts as he's tackled.+

ninAxel: *sits on, yayyyy* *i mean, strategic ninja pin-down, prepared for whatever Spyxas might try to get free*

Spyxas: ... +raises his eyebrows.+ This is too familiar.

ninAxel: Really? *quirks an eyebrow*

Spyxas: +sigh, looks kind of defeated and nods.+

ninAxel: *still braced for any sudden moves* *ruffles his hair and hops off of him so they can start over*

Spyxas: +no, gave up after the sitting on. :| has tried to deflect it, but it always wins. ah, good. takes out a gadget, gestures. come on. >|+

ninAxel: *>>*

Spyxas: +c:<+

ninAxel: *darts at, and aims a kick at his head*

Spyxas: +grabs his kick with a wince, then darts away, something in his teeth and something akin to threads around his knee.+

ninAxel: *oh what the hellsdlgjfhdg* *gets tangled on the way down from the kick, and pushes off from the floor with the foot he was balanced on, trying to leap away and hopefully break the threads*

Spyxas: ... man, I feel bad for this. +mutter--sets off the explosion. it isn't even half as bad as it was on ninjaworld, because he's just training. also, has some tangled around his fingers and moves them so they hit certain spots, probably so Axel can't kick with that leg too quickly.+

ninAxel: *djghdf* *isn't burned, but the other part of the explosion certainly worked, especially since it was at a joint to start with; yelps and stops moving to finish freeing himself before diving at him again, definitely favoring that leg*

Spyxas: +harsh sigh, dives to the ground and slides to avoid the attack.+

ninAxel: *lands awkwardly because of his knee, spinning around a bit slower than he might otherwise and oh, suddenly hand is on fire. tosses a handful of flame right at Spyxas*

Spyxas: +--oh snap. eyes widen, before he jumps, pulling his knees to his chest and curling into a ball as he's in the air.+

ninAxel: *aaand fire under where you're going to land, how about THAT?*

Spyxas: +--snap. lands, because he can't really stop that, and jumps out, giving a twirl so his hair isn't on fire. ... geez.+

ninAxel: *c:* *leaps at again, while he's landing and putting his hair out*

Spyxas: +oh, here, have some shuriken. :| wanted to try these out the other day.+

ninAxel: *oh fuck you. my sharp weapons are back in my room. >|* *dodges*

Spyxas: +jumps away from, then.+

ninAxel: *no u* *superspeed!* *darts around behind him to attack from there*

Spyxas: +whips around, tries to grab his hands/wrists.+

ninAxel: *one wrist: grabbed, aaaaa* *grabs at Roxas' shoulder, to pull him close enough that attacking isn't a real option*

Spyxas: +lurch--swift punch to his upper chest with his free hand.+

ninAxel: *grunts as it impacts, and then hooks his good leg around the backs of Roxas' ankles, yanking there and pushing with his free hand to hopefully knock him over*

Spyxas: +is knocked over, but not before he kicks at his bad leg fiercely.+

ninAxel: *sfghjk pained yelp, goes down on good knee*

Spyxas: +pulls himself up, skids back. ... feels bad.+

ninAxel: *might try the OH GOD I'M SO INJURED feint if it was anyone but a Roxas, probably* *gets back to his feet quickly, though, and charges at him while he's feeling bad :D*

Spyxas: +oh hell no, that only lasted for a second, okay. digs into a pocket, and throws a smoke bomb to the ground.+

Spyxas: +i love smoke bombs.+

ninAxel: *I... do not enjoy them. holds breath and uses it for cover, crouching low and then shooting out of the cloud of smoke and doing some sort of rapidfire multistrike that's really awesome and fast because he's a jinchuuriki, but that I'm not amazing enough to describe :'C*

Spyxas: +--jkfld;s falls, then. because is just a spy, not. well. :|+

ninAxel: *flops next to on the floor, breathless* That was for my poor knee.

Spyxas: +g-gasps, then shakes his head.+ Okay. +... laughs.+ I deserved that.

ninAxel: Only a little. *grins up at the ceiling* You're pretty good.

Spyxas: +rubs at his eyes.+ I used to be better.

Spyxas: 'course, that's... before things happened. +stretches, leans back.+

ninAxel: Yeah, everyone's out of practice by now, it kinda sucks. 's no wonder I got my ass kicked down on the planet.

Spyxas: +scowl.+ Yeah. I know.

ninAxel: *rolls onto his hip so he can get up without putting too much weight on his leg* Hey, we can train here, at least. I guess with the simulations you can even get the practical application of skills.

Spyxas: +smirks, pushes himself up.+ I guess.

ninAxel: *helps up?* So, no lasting damage, I hope? *eyes him*

Spyxas: Thanks--and no, just sore. Lasting damage on you?

ninAxel: Nah, I'll be fine, I just need to put some ice on my knee. *mutters something that might be "hopefully"*

Spyxas: ... +huff.+ I'll get Kai.

ninAxel: *shoos* Don't bother, I'll be fine. The kitchen isn't that far.

Spyxas: +jfks;s.+ Fine, fine. +leaves, and takes his things with him.+

*kai, !log, adventures with hachibi, *axel: ninja, *roxas: spy

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