« ooc: stuff about things »

Jun 17, 2009 07:03

OKAY SO this is a discussion Pura and I just had (shut up sleep is for mortals) about her situation with her characters, and how we could work things in, since the plot has been kind of all-over-the-place in general anyway, and I thought it'd be easiest to just post it up here so we wouldn't have to explain a bajillion times to people in chat or whatever.

It also clarifies some timeline stuff, since lord knows we all need help with that. ;_;

puratigerz: I think [Axel] might've gone off on his own
puratigerz: characters should notice he's been gone for a while though
tackleglomp: Would he have mentioned anything to Roxas?
puratigerz: no
tackleglomp: >> Hmm, well.
tackleglomp: He definitely would have noticed within like... the first couple of days, since it's sort of hard to lose someone on a ship.
puratigerz: lmfao
puratigerz: if axel's gone where I think he went, he really didn't tell anyone about it
tackleglomp: If he still had his portals, he could have gone after him and been all wtf are you doin, but. >:|
puratigerz: lmao
puratigerz: Could axel have portalled there?
puratigerz: I mean, he wouldn't even need a pod or anything then
tackleglomp: Uhhh probably yes.
tackleglomp: Out of the room, so natural laws of his canon would apply.
puratigerz: yay
tackleglomp: in that there are no laws
puratigerz: lmfao
tackleglomp: because fuck you nomura
puratigerz: 8D
puratigerz: BUT YEAH
puratigerz: he would've just up an disappeared one day
puratigerz: I'm trying to decide whether he's in the dark city or in his somebodies homeworld
tackleglomp: I just need to think of why Roxas hasn't been all HEY GUYS MY BFF IS KINDA MISSING now, though.
puratigerz: hmm well okay
puratigerz: how about he's only been gone a few days
tackleglomp: That works out well, actually, since it would match up with how long Roxas has been thinking about TT.
puratigerz: okay
tackleglomp: How long're you gonna keep him out of it?
puratigerz: maybe about a week?
puratigerz: ic time
puratigerz: unless they are all RAR RAR LETS FIND AXEL
tackleglomp: In this case, Roxas might have assumed Axel was having similar thoughts, and figured/told anyone who worried that he was probably off TAKING CARE OF PERSONAL BUSINESS.
tackleglomp: if that would be easiest, that is
tackleglomp: they can very well go off on a goose chase with no one able to use the corridors of darkness to trace him and the whole universe to explo--
tackleglomp: lmfao that wouldn't end well ;;
puratigerz: lmao no :c
puratigerz: ..oh man they are going to have an argument when he gets back arent they
tackleglomp: SURE but about what
puratigerz: lmfao
puratigerz: well I want to make Roxas suffer
tackleglomp: k
puratigerz: so I might extend the time
puratigerz: :D
tackleglomp: So having an argument about why neither mentioned to the other about these vacations?
puratigerz: yes
tackleglomp: \o/
puratigerz: lmao
tackleglomp: is Obito dead by the way? :c
puratigerz: uhhh
puratigerz: maybe >_>
tackleglomp: If you don't want to play him anymore, the easiest route is probably somehow taking him out of their memories to explain why they haven't freaked out, but if you still do (WHICH WOULD BE HAPPIEST :< ) I don't think it would be too hard arranging something with Nai and saying he's just been hanging around on the ship with nSora.
tackleglomp: + Naminé and Spyxas and Ammy who haven't been around much either [comparatively, I meant, in respect to the main plot stuff]
puratigerz: Yeaah thats cool
puratigerz: I mean I'll try and keep him around buttt
puratigerz: dont blame me if I drop him later
tackleglomp: I won't, don't worryyy :c <3
tackleglomp: --well
tackleglomp: Actually, ninSora would appreciate Obitobff right now. :< They've never been the HOSHIT RELATIONSHIP DRAMA ADVICE PLZ kind of bff, lmao, but just... hanging out, training a little, having fun and generally preventing Sora from being mopeyface would be really great for him.
puratigerz: aw okay
tackleglomp: aww it'd be cute, yay <33
puratigerz: c:
tackleglomp: I'm not sure if you've been reading logs, so I might be repetitive or informative here, but Sora's been thinking about staying on ninworld because Organization + ninRoxas - ninAxel - ninSora = royally fucked ninRoxas
puratigerz: 8(
tackleglomp: ;;
puratigerz: no I've nottt
tackleglomp: A possible plan that's kind of lulzy
tackleglomp: is that the Room can pull nin-Org in and completely erase the issue :|
tackleglomp: which they still wouldn't find out for a while, lmfao
tackleglomp: and ninRoxas would still be like WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON so idk exactly how we'd fix that
puratigerz: :c
tackleglomp: Unless we went the cheesy route and had Roxas show up in the village and yay happy ending for everyone.
tackleglomp: which would be easy, and the most plausible way Sora would actually want to get back on the ship, and... break up with cRiku in the process
puratigerz: .. :[
tackleglomp: I say that with hesitation because it breaks my heart. :c
tackleglomp: but yeah, the reason he'd break up with cRiku is because we figured it out as the plan that would involve the least pain all around. >>; since ninRiku is coming on to the ship, what with no actual purpose in life in Konoha anymore, and seeing Sora be all couply with cRiku would be the kick in the ass after already thinking everyone hates him, so yes ;_;
tackleglomp: *summarizes drama*
puratigerz: :c
puratigerz: oh rikus
tackleglomp: :<


tackleglomp: OKAY BASICALLY
tackleglomp: RIGHT NOW, as in most recent IC chat or whatever, cRiku is recovering from having Xehanort booted out, so ninSora (who has been spending the last several weeks in Konoha) is now on the ship to spend time with him and be disgustingly sappy while he figures what the hell he's going to do next.
tackleglomp: I don't actually know what's going to happen, there's just a billion different options bouncing around right now. >>; But if we go with choosing to stay, only to find out Org have been Room'd and all that, it'll take at least a few weeks for anything to be certain enough for ninSora and ninku to comfortably go back to the ship for good
tackleglomp: I'm guessing everyone else would probably have gone off by then*, since there's no point in waiting around while, you know, people getting hearts stolen

[* As in, when ninSora would first announce he was staying on ninworld.]

puratigerz: yeaah okay
puratigerz: I've just had a.. bawwy thought
tackleglomp: ?
puratigerz: Well, Axel would probably go off a week before Roxas did, right? Or at least, he'd be gone before Roxas anyways. I think like he's going to be portalling all over the place when he gets bored of the places he's in
puratigerz: and he might end up in TT for a bit, just to be all
puratigerz: SIGH
tackleglomp: --awwwww
puratigerz: what if when he was in TT, Roxas was too?
tackleglomp: that'd be so hilarious
tackleglomp: and bawww
tackleglomp: Roxas is basically leaving any moment (it's unrelated to anything going on with ninSora and everyone else); I'm guessing just enough to make sure cRiku's not going to die or anything, in case everyone panics and the ship explodes while he's gone
tackleglomp: so it's possible Axel's already gone?
tackleglomp: just to get the timeline straightened out
puratigerz: *nod*
tackleglomp: okayy
tackleglomp: that works out, then <3
tackleglomp: we can relay this to people... somehow
tackleglomp: ... maybe I'll post up our conversation as a log 8D
puratigerz: lmfao
puratigerz: or we could just tell chat :|
tackleglomp: but that involves lots of typing and making sure everyone's there ;__;
puratigerz: lmfao
puratigerz: OKAY FINE

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, please ask. I realize this is incredibly complicated. :|;;

[added for lulz]
puratigerz: axel's still being pissy about this whole thing, so he.. might actually be pissy about seeing roxas
puratigerz: I dont know
puratigerz: lmfao orz
tackleglomp: That's okay, Roxas is going to be pissy his alonetime was interrupted also.
tackleglomp: they might have a totally different argument right on the spot.
puratigerz: gksjn
puratigerz: What are you doing here :|<
puratigerz: *>:|
puratigerz: lmfao
tackleglomp: :|<
tackleglomp: SURE IT IS
puratigerz: brb cracking up
tackleglomp: lmao
tackleglomp: *ADDS TO LOG*
puratigerz: lmfao

*roxas: canon, *axel: canon, *obito, *sora: ninja, !ooc

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