quiz time~
Are you a girl? yup
What are you wearing? shorts and tee
Are you wearing makeup? nope
Do you polish your nails? yup~
Do you like pink? yes !!
Do you like cute stuff like Hello Kitty, Power Puff Girls? a little
Do you wanna save "it" till your married? yes
Would you kiss on the first date? no
What would your ideal date be? hrm .. somewhere i can get to know the other party better?
Do you like romantic songs/flicks? yes !!
What would you do if your bf slept with another girl? kill him~ *just jokin* walk away .. obviously
Are your friends "girlie" or "tomboy"? botH !
What do you like about yourself? meh lo0ks .. yes . im seriouS
What celeb do you think you look like? most pple say fann w0ng~ that would be it
Do you like shopping? absolutely !!!!! its my life ~
Would you ever kiss a guy who wouldn't want more then a hug? never
Friends or boys first? friends
Ever sat there watching a chick flick, eating chocolate, and crying because your heart was broken? yes
Best thing about being a girl? having high heels to throw at guys when ur angry *lmao*
Worst thing? perioD .. totalli~
What would you do if you were a boy for one day? erM .. im not sure to0~ i dont want to be a boY !!
Do you want a bf? n0pE~
Are you crushing on someone? not at this point of time
anyway .. guess what?! im worth a hell lot
You are worth exactly: $2,502,270.00. wo0ho0 !!