an update is in order here

May 14, 2005 17:36

So i have neglected this once again and although i should seriously stop this jounral thing i can't bare to end it.. for it to finally be over. I've had it for a few years now and it's become apart of me, apart of my life even though i seldom come here. Anyway as the title to this entry goes an update is long past due...

as you all know i went to mpehis in may once again... THis time it was just me and my girl. THe weather was superb and the people were as magnificent as they were the year before. And the music was as always fantasic.. I think the best part is really just watching the people... Such a variety, such an amazing party. I'm glad i was able to share that with abby.

Once we got back i jumped right back into work mode and busted out a shit ton of hours! Not by choice either. Anyway, jiffy lube is dragging me down and i honestly HATE working there.. But i can't find a better paying job... So i'll be stuck there for alittle while longer. ugh.

Hot topic is still booming and although i hate closing i still enjoy seeing the people i work with; miller*, jackie, and my girl kristina :) We have a new manager and i'm not quite sure about her yet.. but i'll give her a chance. She may surprise us all and be really fun.

My lizards are all doing great besides king.. He's lost a tremendous amount of wieght and no matter how much i feed him he seems to be unable to gain anything... I'm hoping i can pull a mircle out of my ass with him.. ALso my hypo albino has now succesfully bit off 2 of it's sister's tails!!!! I"m going to have to get another tank.... I need more money.

So anyway enough of the same lame old shit... i've been doing alot of thinking lately and perhaps that's why i've been hiding from you.. I'm so wrapped up in so many things i'm not sure what's going on and if everything is okay.. My life doens't feel like it's in my hands sure apart of it is, but a major part is the states! And i feel like lately my whole life is revolving around the flip of a coin and a court case.

Sometimes i feel like everything is straight ahead, my future, my wife, my kids, my house, everything... and another part of me feels like i have suddenly snapped out of a coma and i'm ready to face the world homeless; just to prove to whoever that i can make it for myself. all in all i'm utterly confused and i wish i knew what the hell was going on.. I wish i didn't feel like the state's programs where keeping me in the dark.

Sometimes i feel like taking a step back to try and figure out where i stand with everyone and myself..

The past few days have honestly been the best i've had in a long time with Abby.... Her whole attitude has changed and everything seems so perfect right now. It feels like the beginnging again. Today i got on the internet and saw pride wedding rings and i thought about how much i wanted those, for us.. and how i couldn't wait to just say something, to just type something in her phone.. but i didn't, b/c it's only been the past few days that i felt everything was where it should be...

I hope we stay like this it makes me happy.
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