Jan 05, 2005 12:30
good morning everyone in my life. I apologize for being away so long.. I have had troubles keeping up with my own sechdule lately and find it hard to reach the closet to spend time typing... I feel like i have neglected this journal.
the past week has been pretty rocky, only due to my "strange/odd feelings" that i have been having lately...
ABby and i have talked about it a few times already and i believe we have resolved it...
I suppose since i haven't said much about it in here i should make a note of it. For about a week and a half or so i have felt like something bad was going to happen or may have already happend and i was un aware of it.
It was perhaps the same feeling i had when summer was cheating on me.. Honestly i don't believe Abby would ever be the person to do that. But the feeling was strange, it was a tormenting feeling that lay in my stomache.. B/c of this I became agravated and indulged in these feelings; causing me to over react in many ways.
For that i am sorry.
I suppose I was just afraid of a secret that never existed.
I was afraid of being left for someone else..
I was afraid of something that was inevitably nothing but my imagination.
I feel a fool.
OUr understanding came last night when we talked before i went to work at hot topic... Our conversation didn;t last long and perhaps i didn't need it to...
B/c the feeling had dispearsed and we were "us" again... Our connection had been revamped and things started going in the right direction again... the direction we had already planned for.
a life together.
So here i am without my insecurities and strange feeling's..
Here i am, happy.