(no subject)

Apr 22, 2004 22:57

You are the CAPTAIN of your own ship... The R.M.S. Random. Who is...Your first mate:i'm depressed Your secret love slave:fuck you The good-hearted trouble-maker:fuck god The brown-noser:slit my wrists The unwanted but necessary pirate figure:i want to die The mutaneer:i have no friends The followers of the mutaneer:my parents hate me The executioner:i dont like living The one you kill just because you're the captain and you can do that:yellowcardROXXXX The stowaway:OD on heroin? The prisoner:eat shit Your life is a movie! Hoorah for you. Who in the hell plays...You:die Your best friend:cyanide pill Friend#2:lynching Friend#3:gunshot wound Friend#4:i like blood Friend#5:this one time, i killed a puppy Any other friends...:emo The one, singular teacher that's ever shown:emo Your dad:emo Your mom:indie? Your sibling(s):i'm scene! Your worst enemy:MADISON! The love interest:fuck god The love interest's best friend:there is no god The bitch who triest to STEAL your love interest:seig heil! In the above mentioned movie, who sings/composes most of the songs for it?:kill myself Now that we've skipped the REALLY random...Name:32 pills Age:richard nixon Planet of origin:i cant go on Hair Color:live is painful Main color of the shirt you're wearing RIGHT now:prego is the one Do your socks currently match?:i'm dying What music are you listening to?:i'm fat What was the last thing you remember saying to a friend?:i'm ugly Can I call you joey-billy-bobalishess? Just because?:ball gag If I told you you could fly, would you believe me?:knife in my heart Are you getting rather bored with this survey?:jesus wasnt an only son HAVE you ever...Skydived:i like DEATH Eaten something just to gross other people out:death to the infidels Been eaten:tom glasshouser Lied to a friend just because you knew they'd believe you:indochina Gone somewhere you hate just see someone you barely know:depressed Shouted at a bus full of middle-schoolers, "I LOVE YOU!!":hate Broken a bone:spiteful Intentionally?:kill me Sold information to a Russian spy:i hate myself even more Do you...Know the person who made this survey:i need to die Own a tie:badly Own a pair of neon orange socks:i need not exist If not, would you like to?:everyone hates me Drink soda:fuck corpses? Eat sunflower seads:crucifixion Find this survey a bit TOO random:embalming Find this survey not random enough:death Think I should just stop here at 61:skank Actually thought I might have:balding Get confused when I ask a question based on the last:cancerous Plan on showing this to someone else:fuck everything Any last RANDOM comments...Wellll?:patch adams
Being random is a rather enjoyable experience... brought to you by BZOINK!
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