Title: Asleep
Rating: Gen
Characters/situation: Kirihara and Jirou
Disclaimer: They belong to Konomi Takeshi.
Inspiration: Drabble, just because I was bored. Written in 20 minutes. Thanks to
straycat-cayra for the prompt (kirihara. and jirou. something cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute...O:-)).
First posted
on my journal on January 15, 2006.
Kirihara stopped dead in his tracks. There, in the corner, was a pile of stuffed animals, made of that "incredible softness" fabric the department store had been advertising. But it wasn't the stuffed animals that had drawn his attention. Rather, it was the sleeping boy cuddled up with a stuffed sheep. To be exact, Akugatawa Jirou, cuddled up with a stuffed sheep, in the middle of the pile of stuffed animals with a big "AS ADVERTISED" sign hanging above it.
Kirihara looked left and right. The coast was clear. He walked up to the pile ...
As Kirihara's sister paid for her shopping, she asked her brother suspiciously, "You haven't been complaining half as much about accompanying me here today. Why?"
Kirihara shrugged. "I found something to do."
In the middle of his rounds, the security guard stopped by the plushies, and picked one up. They really _were_ soft, he mused, and was about to put it back when, startled, he dropped the toy.
"Oy, oy," he said, shaking the shoulder he'd uncovered under the pile. The guard started pulling plushies off to uncover a still-sleeping Jirou. Shining his flashlight on the boy's face, the guard asked worriedly, "Are you alright?"
Jirou slowly stirred as the the bright flashlight shone in his eyes. "Mmm, so soft ... is it closing time already?"
Comments welcomed!