Page Eight

Dec 04, 2008 13:07

While I fail to see why I would write a letter to a creature I have never heard of, this compulsion doesn't seem worth the effort of trying to resist.


For Angeal, a larger bed would be appreciated. He does snore, and when I shove him to roll over and stop, he becomes rather grumpy when he hits the floor. This most likely also disturbs those on the floor beneath us when a man the size and weight of Angeal hits the floor with all the quietness of a drunken waterbuffalo.

Reeve Tuesti needs a stuffed animal of that creature the cat with the cape was sitting on as well as one of a Moogle. Then he may compare the two himself and see the obvious structural and aesthetic deficiencies between his creation and the real thing.

Vincent Valentine would do best with a box of blank rounds that look and have the weight of live rounds. Chances are that Tuesti, once realizing his grievous design error, may make good on his threats to have Valentine attempt to shoot me. While I can deflect bullets with Rapier, there is the chance of it getting scratched. I figure why take an unnecessary chance.

Cissnei's cats could use a box of treats for displaying bravery in combat considering recent events seeing as cats have little use for inedible medals.

Cissnei herself needs a male doll that when squeezed recites phrases extolling the virtues and intelligence of women. This may give her someone to speak to when she gets into one of her moods. The ability for it to heal after being stabbed with long needles is optional, and I leave that up to your discretion and budget.

Reno is a special case of sorts, and one of the few that I actually believe deserves an inventive gift. Unfortunately, I lack such willpower to put effort into it at present, so I believe that he would like a toy version of the teddy bear that he was during the toy event. It may allow him to contemplate why he took that particular form. Failing that, his cats may enjoy doing... what it is they do to pillows.

Kurama is a difficult call since I do know very little of him, but he has taken the time to be kind to me. As trite as it seems, I would like for him to have a new kind of plant that he has never seen before. It would most likely be advisable for it to not be the sort that the City could be overtaken using.

Zack Fair does not deserve kindness or gifts, but Angeal would give me that Look that is best to avoid when possible. While I can ignore it, this will involve far too much time, effort, and sulk (on Angeal's part) than I am willing to put up with for an extended amount of time. Therefore, I would like Zack Fair to get a full-sized live chocobo. I think that he would benefit from such for the practical reasons as well as having something non-judgemental to tell his difficulties to. Most people cannot do that when listening to the sorrows of another.

Miss Anita needs a full scale person-doll of sorts that she can destroy and it pulls back together without scar. While giving it the ability to scream and have blood squirting out at high speeds might be interesting added features, her neighbors may not appreciate it. This may help her control future violent outbursts such as what she had with the toy event.

Last and least, Cloud Strife. Again, as little as I care about the matter, Angeal most likely would. Strife is in desperate need of something to soothe his ego and make his claims of being so very powerful actually mean something. I would like for Cloud Strife to get a small eraser board permanently attached to his bedroom wall that will display different inspirational messages everyday such as 'You beat Sephiroth and are stronger than the others'. Despite the lie it is, it may give him some sort of comfort and allow me to tell Angeal I at least made the gesture.

Genesis Rhapsodos

cursed, cloud strife, cissnei's cats, vincent valentine, genesis' demands for the day, kurama, dear santa, angeal, reno, zack fair, anita, reeve tuesti, cissnei

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