[private; unhackable]
7MOON | 1 / 7 "6" - Sagan Nagisa; L#312, 0!NY generation: 2 - L#302, 0!KYa generation: 1.
present Agatsuma Soubi, Fighter: BELOVED | LOVELESS - blank. absent Aoyagi Seimei, Sacrifice: BELOVED | /7MOON. target upon arrival. no longer present, absent Aoyagi Ritsuka, Sacrifice: LOVLESS - questionable ability.
13-1-09CE: present BLOODLESS Fighter - blank: Yurio. absent BLOODLESS Sacrifice Hideo.
power restraint: all present. system malfunction - disabled.
resource shortage; food shortage; power shortage. extreme conditions. explosion 0200 14-1-09CE - 1 death, insignificant. no information.
situation at present - unknown.
investigation: microchips - power restraint; information incoming.
00001 / 7.
[/private; wtf did I just write :|]
What a bothersome city.
Explosions at 2AM? Really? And someone died! At least that made it worthwhile. If something had made so much commotion, waking me up from the middle of a sound sleep, I definitely expect something exciting to follow. Good enough.
Microchips - what do you people know about these things? Their locations within our bodies is most important, as to details. Don't keep secrets. ♥
Yamato, should you assist me?
Or would you and Kouya -
and Youji and Natsuo, too, at that -
prefer to stay inhibited, restrained, and under control of strangers?
Any of you four can volunteer yourselves, if you'd so wish, actually.
I did promise that I'd fix this.
But isn't it a pity that Agatsuma Soubisan has become, once again, Sacrifice-less?
Is that upsetting?
What a truly bothersome city~