"Chelsea take off the shirt now!""No, I'm cold!"*fights to keep shirt on...red mark appears on back*

Jun 20, 2005 20:40

The only thing I have to say about school today is: Yoga is amazing

Moveing on...

You know that feeling where you are sitting listing to a song and you all of a sudden have this image of something good happening, like really good not just good but like really awesomely-cool good and so you have this thought like plastered in your mind and you really want it to happen, but you know it never will? Yeah, I've decided its the worst feeling ever. Luckly its wicked easy to snap out of, you just change the song and get a new really good thought plastard in your mind only to be let down again. Eventually I'll take the cd out of the computer, dont worry.

Feel better soon Andrew!

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