Oct 25, 2004 15:39
well goodness...
this week totally rocked and completely sucked at the same time. it totally rocked because tacky day was so great and i got lots of extra credit points that brought up one of my test grades and yeah. it totally sucked because some people are so cheeky (they should most definately know who they are >=O) ok, so friday me, caroline, and brittain stayed after school (lame idea...) to make a poster for rain and get ice cream and for the game and stuff (since it was homecoming). well it would have been a much better day if we hadn't hung out with the band people...blah. so we went to the game..saw rain and josh (gorgeous kiddos might i say) and left during half time because the game was gay and boring like that. but the real fun started when we went to wallyworld and went to caroline's and put on some cool nails then went back to wallyworld and danced to some crazy music til like 2. saturday i went to open rose got my hair done went to target got ready and then WEEHEE: Zach, Jack, and Evelia came to pick me up, we took some pictures (they looked incredibly handsome and absolutely beautiful) then we went to mcguires (pfft wayyyy too packed) so then went to olive garden and waited a little more than an hour. once we finally got in we had a blast!!!!!! we had mad games of rock paper scissors, concluded we lived in a tree universe, Zach, you totally won (what would you guys say? 20 doodles? 30?) whoa look at that broohaha (spelling?) lmao that was such a fantastic time. so then we fiiiinally get to the dance around 10:30 met up with everyone and dance the hour an half we had left...seemed like kind of a waste of money i mean...15 bucks for an hour and half? but ahh the rest of the night was so worth it. i can't wait to see all the pictures. ohh ohh i can post some pictures on here! but yeah the dance was pretty fun just wish we would have been there longer...but dinner was so awesome so that made up for it. Thanks so much Zach for absolutely everything i love you and thanks Jack and Evelia for making the night so wonderful i love yall!!
caroline-you are so not jynxed. trust me, He's out there. i love you.
josh-i'm so sorry about your night...hopefully the 'talk' between the parents will be for the best...i'm here whenever you need me. things will work out great between you too i heard you both looked specactular at the dance =]
so anywhoo me and caroline spent the night at Rain's we went right to sleep. then woke up and Rain had work so me and Caroline go to the mall...Sunday was such a shwanky day!!! we bought some matching underwear just to get those two free pink polkadot dogs (anyone who went to church would know what i'm talking about lol!!) and i got some totally hip eyeshadow stuff and then we hung out in gulf breeze until church..we had a photo shoot (lmao i can't wait to see those pictures) and i bought a shirt from cvs..hahahah 3 bucks baby! surprisingly, i spent all 40 bucks?!?! anywhoo we found anthony sleeping on the bench before church and there was a lizard crawling on his leg...funny stuff. so church was cool and found out adiration is every tuesday...yush, totally narf.
wow, what a week...can someone tell me when THE INCREDIBLES comes out??? hahah i musht know.
have an extravagantly good and Godly day...He is so good to all.
bai bai beautiful