Title: The Secret Life of Sarah Franks
Pairing: Eventual Sarah/OMC
Rating: PG15
Word Count: 1,115
Spoilers: None really
A/N: On to the first chapter! Enjoy!!
Disclaimer: This story is MINE!! All MINE!! Bwhahahahahaha! Lol
Summary: Lucas Cole is the devil. Nothing in the whole wide world will ever change my mind on that, never ever! Oh of course when I initially met him I had no clue to the depths of his evilness, he hides it well. I just thought he was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen.
TSLoSF Prologue ~The Secret Life of Sarah Franks~
~Blinded By the Bling~
The day started off as one big massive lie, with its sunshine, cheery skies and mild temperature. It gave me the false sense of security, leading me to believe everything would be just fine. When in fact it was the day from HELL! Every time I recall it a new grey hair appears on my head. {At the rate I’m going I’ll be fully white by thirty… *sighs*} However for my story to make any type of sense I have to start from the beginning and be truthful about it. No matter how much it makes me cringe…
So here’s what happened on my first day...
*Six months earlier*
Lucas Cole is the devil. Nothing in the whole wide world will ever change my mind on that, never ever! Oh of course when I initially met him I had no clue to the depths of his evilness, he hides it well. I just thought he was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. But rest assured that man is evil. He wasn’t the least bit ashamed to use what flawless genetics gave him to get his way. Our first meeting I still remember it clear as day
“Good afternoon Miss. Franks thank you for coming,” He greeted in a low husky tone. It sounded like he’d just gotten out of bed damn the man! With his rich baritone voice, soft looking honey wheat hair… and those eyes… deep soulful blue eyes that had a twinge of a smothering glint about them. He also has this habit of fixing you with this piercing direct stare. It was almost like he was peering inside your soul… urgh! That man makes me uncomfortable to the tenth power. There should be a rule about a guy looking that good… fortunately he’s a sadist evil bastard, and therefore renders any budding attraction ‘null & void’.
Yet his evil knows no boundaries… BanSight’s head quarters are a perfect examine of how Lucas Cole traps his prey.
Simply put… I was blinded by the bling and glamor…
When I pulled up to corporate office of BanSight my jaw dropped. It was gorgeous! I double checked my directions and the address because I couldn’t believe that it was one in the same. I was completely awestruck at my surroundings. It looked more like the home of some billionaire then a place of business.
Everything about it screamed wealth and excess, from its rounded gleaming roof, to its sky high spotless large windows and all that was in between. The grass was healthy shade of emerald green and cut to perfection. There was nothing out of place; all that you saw was immaculate. It had a peaceful aura about it that left you feeling all light, snuggly and secure...
HA!! The hell it was! Look let me go ahead and burst your bubble right now; that stuff was a lie! A big fat L-I-E! As I said earlier, all that exterior and interior allure was nothing more than an elaborate snare. It was designed to lure the innocent job seeking, noodle eating bystanders like yours truly into a false sense of security before BAM! The trap is sprung and there absolutely nothing you can do about it. The place is the mirror reflection of its owner, all flashing lights and glamour on the outside. Even so on the inside… it’s a different, a bit off you can’t quite put your finger on what it is, but you know it’s there.
However I’m getting a little ahead of myself so back to the story.
As I walked to through the doors I kept craning my neck to take in all the sights. The inside was just as stunning as the outside, tasteful artwork hang on the walls, the music was soft and ambient. In the center of the 'lobby' was a waterfall that extended up to the ceiling {which were about five stories high} All in all I thought I had hit the jackpot, I just knew that if I got this job that I knew I would never eat another top ramen dish again!
God I swear my stomach leads me into trouble ever single time I follow it and not my head. I really am quite sensible under normal circumstances, but you have to understand… I was so damn tired of noodles. The only other time I ate well was every third Sunday of the month when I went to church with my Nana. She fed me until I thought I would burst, and then sent me back on the train with enough leftovers for a week.
So if I am a bit obsessed about Top Ramen just deal with it, this is my story and I’ll tell it anyway I want.
*ahem* Anyways…
It was very quiet with the exception of the music and I hadn’t seen a single person since I entered the place. Yes it seemed kinda strange to say the least but, I noted it, filed it away in my brain and chalked it up to being an exclusive organization. Just how exclusive I would find out soon enough.
Yup… It was another MAJOR red flag that I completely ignored for the sake of my stomach… and bills that I have to pay.
My boots made a soft clicking sound on the polished copperish marble floor. I didn’t see an elevator so I took the stairs; going up two flights to get to the third floor. From there I went down the middle of a 'T' shaped hallway where one side was windows and the other side just walls. At the end of the hall were large stainless steel doors with 'S' curve handles, it sorta looked one of those expensive refrigerators.
A weird feeling came over me {I realize now it was my 'gut feelings' last ditch effort as well as my final red flag} I looked behind me down the hall and back to the door. I could have left, turned around and got the hell out of dodge. I could have tried my luck with another job search, grit my teeth and eat noodles until I found something else to do. I don’t know why I didn’t turn back when I had the chance. Maybe it was the beauty of the place, or something inside of me wanting to so something outside of my normal sensible self. Hell maybe it was my stomach.
All I know is I shook my head, I took a deep breath, counted to three, and thought silently to myself: 'Here's goes nothing...’ pulled the expensive stainless steel doors open and walked straight into unknown.